Ringin’ out the old, ringin’ in the new
If you have any connections to the yooperland or great lakes shipping or whatever, you know about the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. As I remember just about every year on the anniversary (November 10th), my brother The Engineer was living at our parents house and attending Lake State U, which meant that he could walk across the back yard to get there. Except that he was usually schlepping a trombone so more likely he drove his old VW bug. Anyway, the night the Edmund Fitz sank, he was listening to ship traffic communications on a “multi-band” radio and heard the Arthur Andersen call to the Fitz over and over and over into the night. No response.
Anyway, when I started working at Cubelandia, one of the artifacts I took over there was this Edmund Fitzgerald mug.
It has seen better days, right? I have half-heartedly scouted around for a new one over the last few years but most of those I have encountered were a little, uh, I dunno, rococo, maybe? Plain and simple please. So this year, I belatedly tacked a request for a new Edmund Fitz mug onto my xmas wish list. And this is what Lizard Breath came up with🐸
I love it! Actually it looks a lot like the old one but I like that there’s a photo.
Now… What do I do with the old one? Faded as it is, it’s a perfectly serviceable mug…
January 2nd, 2020 at 7:02 pm
Pen cup!
January 2nd, 2020 at 7:42 pm
I agree with Isa! I would never get rid of the old one, not that you’re considering it. If you saw my mug cupboard, you would know that I have trouble getting rid of any special mugs…