The new baby was supposed to be born in May but she came in April

mousenewborn22 years ago, of course. I won’t go into the gory details, let’s just say that the little mousey had decided she’d had just about enough and decided to emerge into the sunlight a few weeks early. And there she is, big as life, all six pounds two-and-half ounces of her. She’s not more than one or two days old in this photo, you can see a little tinge of benign newborn jaundice. I remember having to spend quite some time deprogramming the two-year-old. We had been over and over the fact that while *her* birthday was in October, the new baby’s birthday would be in May. The new baby obviously had other ideas but the two-year-old remained fixated on May.

If you want to see what Mouse looks like nowadays, you can click on over to Mousenest. She’s the one in the red dress. Of course, that isn’t *really* Mouse, it’s Cynthia. Mouse’s hair isn’t that curly and she never wears makeup or high heels. Except when she’s on stage.

Happy Birthday, my little Mouse child!
<3 <3 <3 Moom


2 Responses to “The new baby was supposed to be born in May but she came in April”

  1. isa Says:

    ha, what a great picture of miss mouse.

  2. Margaret Says:

    Happy birthday to Mouse! They change a lot, don’t they? My Alison was supposed to be a January baby but ended up a Groundhog one.