Yabba dabba doo

So, I dunno. I have been ordering food and other stuff from wherever I can manage to get it. I cannot always remember how my food or whatever is getting delivered. So yesterday a Fedex truck pulled up in front of the Landfill and I couldn’t remember what I had ordered but I figgered it was delivering SOMETHING. Okay. So the Fedex truck sat out there for like 10 minutes and I could hear music but it didn’t seem like there were any deliveries anywhere. And then it drove off…

Today it seemed like the Fedex truck was doing the same thing. It sat out there forever. But then… After hanging out for 10 minutes or so, it made a delivery. To our house. THREE packages of Columbus peppered salami, which is a fave pandemic snack for us. I ordered these March 29th from some “Little Italy” place in Pennsylvania or wherever. Later on I found out that Sparrow Market carried them and *then* our own grocery worker got back to work and of course Plum has them. But now we have something like FIVE peppered salamis and we will HAVE to remember to eat our xmas smoked salmon from Raymond James tomorrow.

I hate to get into internet p*ssing matches but I also don’t like when people repeat false information on the internet. So I got into it today. For one thing… Camping facilities at Michigan’s state parks ARE NOT OPEN! NOT AT ALL! Nor are the blasted bathrooms. Where are people getting this stuff? I do not know. And yes, our governor has forbidden all usage of motorbotes. I love our guv but this is one thing I disagree with. The problem is that people are not Social Distancing at boat launch ramps. The solution to that problem should be to close (or carefully manage) the boat ramps.

I am a fan of our guv but this was a bad decision. But we are dealing with a difficult problem. COVID19 is new to us and we don’t really have a clue about how to manage it. She is doing the best she can, better than the Orange Baboon. Mistakes are going to happen…

One Response to “Yabba dabba doo”

  1. Tonya Watkins Says:

    I like your gov! (She has QUITE an accent!) I like anybody that the orange shitgibbon doesn’t. I can’t think of anything that our Gov Inslee has directed that seems unreasonable. I have seen some motorboats out in the Sound, but not many (at all), so that’s apparently still OK. I don’t think our local boat ramp has been busy, though, but I suppose it could become that way as our nice weather continues.

    I wish we could get groceries delivered here, but we are just too remote, so John heads in to town about once a week and loads up. So far, it’s been OK, although there’s always something on my list that they’re out of.