The TeleCubelandia version of breaking your neck trying to get out the door

You know, when you’re finding your shoes and grabbing your laptop bag, lunch, purse, phone, keys. Aaaannnnddd… You get out the door and lock it and you don’t have your keys. Or you get halfway to Cubelandia and you don’t have your phone. Once in the Dark Ages, my then cube neighbor drove all the way in (a 30 minute commute) with an empty laptop case. “I thought it seemed a little light.” Oh, don’t worry, her laptop wasn’t stolen. She’d been using it at home and forgot to pack it up.

I don’t have to do fall out the door in six pieces any more. When I feel like getting down to business, I sit down on the Green Couch (that is GONNA change!), pick up my laptop and faaarrr it up. I mean, sometimes I still lose my phone if it slides down between the Green Couch cushions…

Anyway… If the GG is home, he brings me coffee. Yes really. If not, I go without. Yes really. Today… I scheduled a 9:00-9:30 AM grocery pickup slot at the Plum Market, which is less than a half mile away so I can nip over there and back in no time. Except. Yikes! Wednesday morning is coffee with MMCB, 8:45-9:30. How could I have forgotten that? Well, we had a shorter chat today albeit it a vociferous one as neither one of us are crazy about the color orange when it is applied to skin and hair on the same person. And then I hustled over to the Plum.

When I got back iDeep was waiting for me on chat from India and he put me through my paces with questions about things he had found in every obscure little corner of our sprawling application. Thinking on my feet? Yes. It was okay, his job is to test our product to make sure it looks and functions as our team and I designed it and we’re all very friendly. But it did send me down a rabbit hole a bit later. A warm fuzzy one thank you very much.

I’ve kind of lost my train of thought, if you can even begin to call this a train of thought. Stream of consciousness? Maybe. More like random blather.

The pic is from something like 6-8 years ago. I am kayaking down at the Doelle end of the moominbeach and I was experimenting with Hipstamatic filters that summer. This one uses the Salvador 84 lens with Big Up film. I wish the top of that one tall lacy looking pine tree was in the frame but when you are in a kayak, even on flat water, it’s pretty hard to stay still enough to get the exact photo you want. I still like it. When you take umpteen gazillion photooos, a few of them actually turn out.

One Response to “The TeleCubelandia version of breaking your neck trying to get out the door”

  1. Margaret Says:

    That’s a beautiful photo! I don’t know if I could get out the door very effectively these days, after two years (or is it 3?) of retirement? When I rarely subbed, I had to organize everything the night before and still often forgot something.