Temporary depressive state

This is the beach I said goodbye to this morning. Rain and wind and outside the frame the Thunder Bay lake freighter is upbound.

There’s an outside chance I may make it back up before Old Man Winter gets drunk and passes out on the Great Lake State for the duration but today I was mentally prepared to leave and not return until the MOE-skee-TOES return next spring.


I had a terrible time dragging myself outta the rack this morning. The rack for this trip being the couch/futon in the moomincabin living room. When we arrived, the weather reports were iffy enough that we decided not to sleep upstairs. If it did get really cold, keeping the upstairs closed off would help keep the downstairs warm. It didn’t ever get quiiiiite that cold but the couch/futon is comfortable. The GG slept in my childhood bedroom. We didn’t have an upstairs in those days and my parents slept in the living room. There was rain throughout the night and after I visited the Water Closet at 6:00 AM or so, the wind came up.

I stayed in my sleeping bag forever, partly because it was comfortable and partly because I didn’t want to face the packing that needed to be done before leaving, the 5-hour drive, or the UNPACKING (and LAUNDRY) at the other end of the trip.

I am at the other end of that trip now and I can’t say that EVERYTHING is unpacked but perishable food is where it needs to be and laundry is about half done and can I just say? We were north of Flint (yes, that Flint) and the GG flippantly asked if I wanted to stop and visit FlaMan. I replied with an emphatic NO! I mean, it wasn’t that I didn’t want to SEE FlaMan. I LOVE Flaman. But today was not the day. And we had already met up with the UU at the Waters exit to transfer a power washer, which the GG later dropped off at the UU’s son’s house. A Waters transfer pic was posted on FB in which the Twinz of Terror were too close together WITHOUT masks. The Beautiful Gay and I stayed in our respective vee-hickles. I love her and we will hug again someday.

For now and the duration, we need to stay resolute in our efforts to mask, distance, wash our hands, etc. The latest from the CDC is that of people testing positive for the virus, a high percentage have eaten in restaurants. We still don’t understand this virus’s rules and we are stuck with a president who doesn’t understand basic science and attempts to undermine the CDC. Actually I think it’s that he doesn’t CARE about science. I believe that all he DOES care about is his own frickin’ self.

One Response to “Temporary depressive state”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I am in a depressive state too, hopefully better once we get rid of this noxious blanket of smoke. I always hated the other end of camping–the unloading, putting away and laundry. No, he doesn’t care about anyone’s life or health except his own. He’s not just ignorant, he wants to stay that way.