Coffee Boy’s “other half”

Yes, this is The Commander aka my mother. We were at the moomincabin and I fergit what I said that made her pull that big kniffy. We certainly weren’t arguing about MAGA! MAGA was years later than this and she, a lifelong republican voter, was by then a strong Obama proponent. Ka-whomp! You go girl.

Mom was an ardent albeit practical feminist but the Republican party moved waaaayyy to the right for her. I know she would NOT have supported the likes of Kelly Loeffler or Kristi Noem. Or Lara Trump. Really? Ugh. Mom believed in science and would’ve been a strong proponent of mask wearing and social distancing. I was born during a multi-year polio pandemic and since she tried for 11 years to have a child until she got meeee, she did NOT want to lose me to polio so I was vaccinated at birth or shortly thereafter. I can just about hear her kvetching after all these years. I am SOOOOO glad she didn’t have to live through this stupid pandemic and the vile people who are ignoring science to politicize a deadly public health issue.

These kniffies remind me of some young boyz (like early 20s) who used to work for the YAG summer theater camp over at the UM STAC facility. I was the YAG administrator for a number of years and we had sooooo much fun at camp. The place didn’t have A/C or any kind of decent outdoor facilities but the kids who signed up year after year after year loved theater and our teachers and format and they just kept coming back and back and back.

Anyway, one morning two of our young male teachers came to work reporting a trip to the ER the previous evening. What did they do? They were practicing sword fighting in their apartment with kniffies or whatever and a kniffy went through someone’s foot. The “victim” started by showing us his most recent wound and then went on to show us a bunch of scars from previous wounds. When he started pulling his pants down to show his appendix scar I put a stop to it although I was also absolutely CRACKING UP!

One Response to “Coffee Boy’s “other half””

  1. Margaret Says:

    I love the stories of your mom; she sounds like someone I would have liked. She would have spoken her mind, and as my parents always say, “brooked no nonsense.” She was a Republican back when they were logical, fiscally responsible, ethical and sane. Those days appear to be gone.