Ramping up for guests
Last year we were here at the moomincabin alone pretty much 100% of the time. We did interact with the cousin-neighbors at the Old Cabin but only outdoors. They had been as careful about isolating as we had.
This year is a whole different ballgame (although we are still careful). We are expecting both daughters and SOs next week plus a beloved young cousin and some of her friends. I have been cranky in the past about people sending various “vacation” spreadsheets around but this year, my beach urchins have put together a google spreadsheet for food ideas and I am LOVING THIS.
I expect to schlep into town to get grocks umpteen bazillion times and I am okay with this. Meijer is a go-to store for us, especially since we don’t have to go all the way into town to get to it but this morning I made a run to Pat’s. Pat’s is soooo familiar to me. It was the A&P when I was a little kid and the main grokkery store we went to (along with the Red Owl and sometimes the Piggly Wiggly). My grandma bought me a Barbie Dreamhouse and my brother a Battleship toy at the A&P when we were kids. If I have it right, my grandfather’s family moved from northern Saskatchewan to Soo Mich because his mother (a widow) had brothers who owned the grocery store that became the A&P.
We have shopped at many big stores up in the yooperland over my adult years. Glen’s and now Meijer. The A&P became SuperValu and The Commander shopped there and sometimes when I was staying with her at the Dillon house I would walk down Easterday hill to get provisions. SuperValu has now become Pat’s (although the sign still says SuperValu) and it is a WONDERFUL store. One of the things they have sold since I was a young adult shopping there with my mom is beautiful whole tenderloins for like 25-30 dollars. I bought one today to make kebabs tomorrow night (I froze half of it). I will probably buy a couple/three to freeze and take home to The Planet.
August 8th, 2021 at 12:23 pm
We used to have Piggly Wigglys around here too but I haven’t heard of any of the other stores. We have Fred Meyer(Kroger), Safeway and Albertsons, plus Costco. It sounds like you’re going to have a great time with family and will be eating well!