
…from the moomincabin chitchen. At least for today. My mouse did let me wash a few sniggly little bits of dishioshios (and I sneaked some in earlier when nobody was looking). Doing dishes is one of the things I *do*. I have written about this before.

I was pretty happily banished overall and read my current book most of the day plus the usual doom-scrolling. I’m re-reading True North, a Jim Harrison book. He’s an acclaimed author I am personally iffy about. I wasn’t enamored of it the first time around but one of my beach urchins liked it so I’m giving it another go and liking it better. I do enjoy reading about geographical areas I’m familiar with, in this case the yooperland.

Going to Canananada, a cautionary tale. The border opened today, at least Canananada is allowing our unclean masses to enter their country. I’m not sure why with all of our stoopid polly-tickle COVID crapola. A childhood/facebook friend, life-long Michigan side Sault Ste. Siberian tried to go to Canada today. Why? To visit his MOTHER, who lives on the Ontario side and he hasn’t seen her since you know when. He spent THREE HOURS on the International Bridge. He posted progress updates as he inched along. I was hoping that his posts would culminate in a selfie with him and his mother. Alas, it was not to be. Apparently he lacked a special phone app to provide his COVID status at Canadian customs.

Our visiting cousin worked remotely today and the GG made all kinds of noise with power washers and this beastie, the DNR trail mower. And eventually he drove the Motor Bote over to Porterlandia and back.

And it was hotter than Hades today but now it’s raining so…

Sayonara, KW

One Response to “Banished…”

  1. Margaret Says:

    It’s going to be hotter than Hades here this week. Ugh. I would love to go to Canada but didn’t know anything about the app either. Good to know. I’ve heard that we can get in although not sure we can return to the U.S.