When you get a little extra, buy yourself some cake or something

Or so you can if your name is Ghanky. But mine is not so I guess I’ll buy a few dozen bottles of bug juice instead. So I can actually walk the beach. Without getting attacked by the mo-skee-toes. Change my name to Ghanky please. And yes, this post looks a little wonky, at least on my phone but I won’t be able to fix it until tomorrow. But so what, this is just a bunch of blather anyway. G’night.

Annnnnnd, fixed! @5:59 AM USB, from my sleeping bag in a room of flinging muskellunges and foghorns blowing.


2 Responses to “When you get a little extra, buy yourself some cake or something”

  1. jane Says:

    just checked the weather and looks like you’ll have a beach day tomorrow. today…… not so much.

  2. Margaret Says:

    Cool shot! I hate mosquitoes and rarely deal with them here. (which makes me very lazy about having any repellent with me when I travel) That’s been an issue at times.