
Posted with permission, here is the halibut sweater and its knitter/owner. It does come from a pattern, by an Alaskan designer. Mouse can certainly make her own patterns but probably doesn’t have time to dash one off with this level of complexity. Looks like she’s at the Mason Tract.

Do I knit? People sometimes ask. The answer is, “I know how.” I get frustrated with things like Second Sleeve Syndrome and the whole blocking issue. Mouse probably initially learned from The Commander as I have no patience for teaching people things. She pretty quickly took off into the stratosphere. She is very talented at all kinds of fiber arts and I am not bragging.

My unofficial policy is not to post pics of people without their permission. I mean, occasionally a fugly of the GG gets on here but he usually deserves it and he even makes some of those into facebook profile pics🐽 I also feel pretty free to post old pics of the beach urchins from when they were kids.

The Pensioner earned his keep today, dealing with the snow I didn’t manage a week ago when COVID wasn’t quite in my rear view mirror. I got the inch or so shoveled off the sidewalk and salted it. That’s so nobody would report me to the community standards police or whatever they are. I bailed on shoveling the driveway. I wasn’t going anywhere and it wasn’t anything AWD Cygnus couldn’t easily handle so I took my cough inside and except for a couple of dustings, we didn’t get anything more. We are expecting more in a couple days though so glad he cleaned it up.

Disclaimer: as an early morning walker, I totally agree that people should promptly shovel and de-ice their sidewalks. It gets to be a real mess when they don’t and before I discovered YakTrax, etc., I had a couple of falls over the years. One second I’d be galumphing along, the next I was (whomp) on the sidewalk staring at the sky. Also cold symptoms don’t usually stop me from shoveling duties. While COVID for me was milder than some of the common colds I’ve experienced, knowing what a scourge it is and how unpredictably it affects people made me more careful than usual. If we’d had a lot of snow, I’d’ve hired LofPNet to blow it. We have a big yooper-style blower but I am an idjit and don’t know how to use it🤣

G’night from the Planet Ann Arbor where I have blues on the radio in the chitchen and the GG has football in the back room. He apparently isn’t boycotting it any more🐽

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