Winter camping in the yooperland… or not

The GG camped in O-haaa-o this winter, including during a bomb cyclone. So he got a little cocky and figgered he could camp in the yooperland. In the moomincabin DRIVEWAY/PARKING LOT. He could plug the Lyme Lounge into the moomincabin lucky-shucky. Hmmm… In early April? Um… I was beyond skeptical.

Today my cousin sent this photo. It is taken from our front deck looking over at the Old Cabin. Camping? At the moomincabin? This weekend? This photo was a coincidence. We had been planning to ask our cousins how the snow conditions were up there but hadn’t yet gotten around to it. This did not surprise me one iota. This big snowdrift is typical for this time of year. Occasionally we get a year when enough snow has melted that we can drive in at this time of year. I didn’t think this was one of those years and I was right.

The year-round relatives on our two-track hire someone to plow the road and their driveways. Our place is not winterized so we don’t bother. If we need to make a short stop there, we can usually park behind the garage, which is right next to the road and sheltered. But we can’t get through those huge driveway drifts and I’m gonna bet the snowplow service might look askance at it too. A special prodject maybe?

So there are plenty of places the GG probably CAN camp in the yooperland and he can also stay at motels if he can’t camp.

Photo credit to my cousin Judd, who lives next door to the moomincabin. He’s a wonderful, fun guy (I remember when he was born) and we are thankful that he and his parents and others keep at least a loose eye on the moomin when we’re not there. Like if it isn’t on faaaar, it’s probably okay. That’s all we really need/expect. Close to 100 years for our fam to own this property and we all still get along! 🧡🧡🧡

One Response to “Winter camping in the yooperland… or not”

  1. Margaret Says:

    That’s a LOT of snow! It doesn’t look like camping there will be a possibility for a while. 🙂