Have yourself a grumpy little morning

So, Eco-Terlet has been showing signs of being in a failure mode for the last couple days. Like you push its buttons and they go down but NOTHING happens. Fortunately both times this happened, there was nothing significant in the bowl and my personal plumber fixed it. Except why does it keep happening? I was met with a certain amount of grumptitude (and I was NOT a happy camper about that) when I reported this today. I mean, we have ONE terlet here. I am no stranger to going in the outdoors but we can’t use our suburban backyard every time, especially not if it involves good old number two. I mean Nextdoor Neighbor is FULL of people complaining about dog poop. Can you imagine if human poop was also in the mix? Hoping the second terlet fix is a keeper but still gonna put a bucket at the ready. Thanks to the Moldy Old Hoton Lake Cabin, I am no stranger to bucket flushing.

In My Plumber aka the GG’s defense, he has spent umpteen bazillion hours in the last few days replacing the brakes on the Lyme Lounge, not to mention the battery. It is nine years old now and stuff happens. And then there were some other dealings, which all I’ll say about is DO NOT EVER give out your credit card number to ANYONE who calls you!!!! !!!! !!!! No, it wasn’t either of us who did it but the GG had to clean it up. I mean, I’ve worked in online banking for almost 15 years now and I am required to take online training sessions several times a year about various fraudulent practices. Guess what? I ALWAYS pass them with flying colors because I never did that kind of thing even before I had this job. JUST DON’T DO IT!!! In fact, if you don’t recognize the number calling you DON’T ANSWER IT AT ALL!!! !!! !!! And then BLOCK IT BLOCK IT BLOCK IT. Just a PSA.

One of the things we did NOT argue about tonight was Elon Musk 🤣🤣🤣

One Response to “Have yourself a grumpy little morning”

  1. Margaret Says:

    That worries me about the kids only having one bathroom. The What ifs! Hope that it’s truly fixed and that it won’t cause lots of stress.