In my Easter bonnet ski-band, with all the frills dirt and grime upon it
It’s Michigan and this is April. Weather is a grab bag. This Easter is cold and snowy. A couple years ago it was 80-something and we went kayaking and I got sunburned. A few years before that we went up to Siberia and drove out to Whitefish Point in snow squalls. Once when the kids were little, a tornado blew through. It’s all good. Last year, Jane and Radical Betty and I found a fire and skunk cabbage and the weather was pretty darn good up there in the Yoop!
We don’t do much about Easter any more. We used to do the whole egg-hiding/Easter basket thing with candy and a few little gifts, etc. Usually a stuffed aminal and maybe a cute little outfit. I remember the first time we hid Easter eggs for the Baby A-b-c-d-eeeeeee-lizabeth and I can still remember how excited she was about finding them. With quite a bit of help from the GG, I might add. 🙂 Eventually that got to be a bit of a chore and when Liz went to college, I think I asked Mouse if we could just stop the whole thing. It seemed to be okay with her. I think she was just as happy to sleep in.
Today had to have ranked up there with Most Boring Holiday Ever. I picked away at various school projects *all* day. I have less than three weeks to finish them and I’m a little panicked. The GG finished off the taxes and mailed them, then paced and rummaged around unable to find something else to focus on. Yes, it drove me nuts. Until he finally made a fire and crashed for a while. Are y’all done with yer taxes? (Grinch? :twisted:)
So who dyed those eggs up there in the pic? I got that from The Mad Scientist of Egg Dyeing aka The Grand Poohbah. And, if y’all are interested, her email message follows. Never a dull moment over there in St. Louie.
Attached is this year’s non-commercial egg dyeing.
The four leftmost eggs (blue) are dyed w/ red cabbage. The orange eggs in the bowl and upper right are dyed w/ the skins from yellow onions. In between, on the top row, we have turmeric (deep yellow), and red-cabbage over-dyed w/ turmeric (green). The bottom row on the right (yellow-green) is from pomegranate skins. The middle eggs in the bottom row were dyed with swiss chard leaves (darker) or pinkish stems (lighter).
Unavailable at the time of the photo was the egg dyed in coffee, due to a tragic microwave incident.
Note to self: heat the liquid in the microwave first, add the egg to hot liquid AFTER it’s out of the microwave!
–The Mad Scientist of Egg Dyeing