The Inuit have 50 words for snow
After all the weather excitement of last night, THIS was the view out one of my back windows this morning! You can’t see the snow but it was probably at least six inches, more in some areas.
Cygnus had a HUGE pile of icy slush on her veeeendsheeld. No amount of egregious idling would melt it and zee veeeendsheeeld vipers vere of no use. I was afraid of burning out their “motor” or whatever it is so I finally pushed it off with a big ice scraper. All clean now and zee vipers are vorking vell although I didn’t drive her anywhere today. Tomorrow morning.
Shoveling was the WORST SLOG I have ever endured to the point that I actually bagged it. I didn’t do it immediately this morning. Nobody else was out. Finally Luke of Perrynet took a stab at his sidewalk and I could tell he was struggling. And yes, HEAVY SLUSHY *STICKY* CRAPOLA. I decided that my sidewalk was safer with the slushy snow on it. At least that stuff is visible and it’s not deep or particularly slippery.
Anyway it was 42 degrees today and it’s gonna be around the same tomorrow and Monday it’s gonna RAIN. I dunno what the “community standards” police might think about my sidewalk but even the crankies on next door neighbor were of the opinion that waiting for it to melt was probably the best course of action. And advising people to coat their shovels with WD40 because did I say STICKY?
Lots of people are WITHOUT POWER again, including my country mouse. She offered help with shoveling and grock delivery today (she was at work) but I didn’t really need food and you’ve heard my shoveling saga. I will need grocks tomorrow but Cygnus can easily deal with our un-plowed neighborhood street and the main roads are FINE.
March 4th, 2023 at 8:58 pm
Ugh, it sounds like it will go away soon! It’s still cold at night here but near 50 during the day. Happily, the mountains are getting lots of snow, so our snowpack is edging toward normal. Much needed for summer water and irrigation!