Solar eclipse Raining cats and dogs

Photo credit to the GG who is camping at Tahq this weekend. People, it rained cats and dogs ALL DAY here on The Planet Ann Arbor. I took one photo today. It was of two sandhill cranes in a field and a bunch of mud. There was enough mud on the back roads that some of them were actually a little slippery. My sandhill crane pic is TERRIBLE enough to not be worth posting anywhere. Fortunately the GG is in a sunnier place and this is what he got. All day long, our radio stations were admonishing people to not look at the sun. Yeah right. There is NO WAY anyone around here could see the sun today.

It took me a while to process what I was seeing in the pics. My eye gravitated immediately to the big white lights, thinking that was the sun. But then I figured out (I think) that the crescent shape shows the moon partially covering the sun. He wasn’t in the path of totality or whatever you call it. I *think* he took these pics with his iPhone 15. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t prepared with his telescope (he has a solar filter) and digital SLR. After all, this was a hiking / business trip. The other way I can reasonably guess it’s his iPhone is because of the lens flares it made. I *think* that’s what you call them. I am a lens flare fan, not everyone is as enthusiastic.

The business end of the trip? Snagging the GARBAGE we inadvertently LEFT at the moomincabin when we closed it up. He kicked me out an hour or so before he left that day so he could finish up shutting down the water without my interference. I told him I was leaving the garbage for him in case he ended up with more to add to it. That strategy failed but it’s okay, there wasn’t much in the garbage anyway. We also left butter up there, hidden in the refrigerator door.

One Response to “Solar eclipse Raining cats and dogs”

  1. Margaret Says:

    That’s a better shot than I got and I was nearly in the center line for the eclipse. I didn’t even try to take a photo, knowing that it would look nothing like what it was. 🙂