It’s swag, just get rid of it

Lemme see, what did the GG do today… 1) North Country Trail meeting. 2) Crazy gyrations involving phone service. Oh, not our phone service. Long story and not blahggable. And… 3) FLINGING! YAY! (He probably did more but I don’t remember and this is enough.)

You can see the pic but what is in front of it and behind it are some lucite(?) “blocks” that commemorate my five- and 10-year anniversaries at Cubelandia. I think. By year 15, I was a full time telecommuter (you know why) and I don’t remember getting any swag. Not that I wanted any. Just what I need. More stuff.

Today, when the GG got into his flinging phase, he dredged these thingies up from somewhere. What did I want to do with them? My first reaction was, “put ’em in the trash!” Then my alternate persona Garbage Woman stepped in and she almost never lets me just throw something in the trash. I doubt they are recyclable, so I suggested putting them in one of our Kiwanis collection boxes. Ya nevah know who will want what and these might be useful for some kind of prodject for somebody. I know not what.

Of course when I came in to the chitchen after work, there they were, framing a pic of the GG in MUCH earlier years. This is at Hoton Lake with The Indefatigable, with our canoe on top and pulling the Little Princess trailer. More on that trailer some other day.

I’m kinda wondering why the work swag ended up at home anyway. We left Cubelandia in kind of a hurry when covid hit and it was a while before we found out we weren’t returning to a bricks and mortar office and plans had been made to vacate. I kept almost nothing in my cube but there was some stuff, including some crystal pieces Broooosie had thrifted and gifted me. Mostly I think he had been “encouraged” to de-clutter his cube. The rabbit slippers definitely had to go. “Easter’s over.” I’m a mom and I try to be kind to unusual people like Broooosie so I allowed him to stash some stuff in my cube. (Other people did too.)

At the bitter end, we scheduled times to come and clean out our remaining belongings and anything we didn’t want went on the lunchroom tables for anyone to take. At the end of it all, Building Mom hired a service to come in and haul whatever was left over away. Brooosie was long laid off by then so I didn’t worry about him seeing his stuff on a lunchroom table.

But there may have been Cubelandia folks who actually collected that stuff and maybe they would’ve wanted it. Of course maybe a former employee will find it at Kiwanis. I think I am the ONLY teleCubelandia employee who lives ON the Planet Ann Arbor although there a few who live pretty close.

One Response to “It’s swag, just get rid of it”

  1. Margaret Says:

    It’s weird what I took from my classroom when I retired. I need to go through it because most of it I would no longer want. I don’t know if I’ll get rid of all the many photos of students: holidays, activities, plays, projects, etc. However, they mean nothing to anyone else. I should have brought home all the films I had with French language tracks, especially the cartoon ones. At the time, I didn’t anticipate having grandchildren. Sharky was still three years in the future! The parents don’t have a DVD player (how old-fashioned) but I do and am not averse to showing them some films. 🙂