Weather report

The weather since I’ve been here has alternated wildly between COLD and Umpteen Bazillion MOE-skee-TOES. The first night I slept in my Smartwool leggings. There were no mosquitos. The second night I didn’t need my leggings but “a” mosquito (maybe multiple mosquitos) dogged me most of the night. eeeeeeeee. I won’t bore you with a play-by-play but today is a COLD day with no mosquitos. I ran the propane stove ALL DAY. It’s a good thing a propane refill is on order.

Such is the yooperland. Or not. Two sayings about our state. State motto: Si Quaeris Peninsulam Amoenam Circumspice. (If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you.) The intertubes separates “circum” and “spice” for what ever reason. I always thought “circumspice” was all one word but it’s been a long time since I took Latin. A quick intertube search is not conclusive (AI maybe? Not impressed. Where is Mrs. Velde when I need her?). But I am not gonna die in that rabbit hole. The second: If you don’t like the weather in Michigan, wait five minutes. I’m guessing we’re not the only state that fits that description. And yet sometimes here it seems like we have to wait forever for a change in weather.

I am kinda done for tonight. I’ve been listening to an NPR thing about how the goddamn electoral college got started. I am not a historian or a political analyst but I’m starting to think we need to abolish that institution. Some people (they know who they are) think I get my opinions from NPR. Actually it’s more that NPR AGREES with my opinions. At least the NPR folks don’t rant and rave like maniacs.

The pic is from a few days ago when a marine layer made its way in.

One Response to “Weather report”

  1. Margaret Says:

    The NPR people don’t rant and rave, nor do they name call, insult or belittle. We say that about Washington too–wait 5 minutes. It can rain, sun, hail and blow all in one day. Rarely, snow can show up.