
We’ve been rather intermittently watching the most recent Fargo TV series. I couldn’t begin to explain the calculus we use to decide on the TV series we watch together. Some things work better than others. (I think “series” is the same in the singular and plural forms. Where is Mrs. Loye when I need her.)

Fargo is what is working for us now. But we haven’t watched it in a few weeks and we couldn’t remember which episode we had last watched 🐽 The GG was outta town with the Softies and then we were up here and we hung out on the beach or the deck or whatever and never got around to watching. I thought we were on season five, episode one (I did not exactly enjoy season four). It turned out we still had two more episodes in season four. I like the characters, etc., I just don’t quiiite understand how it fits in. But we’ll see.

So last night the weather wasn’t conducive to the beach or the deck so we watched an episode after we finally figured out which one was next. Alas, for about the first 20 minutes or so Mr. Golden Sun was making a bright descent directly in front of us. There are three picture windows here and we were getting reflections on the screen from two of them. We closed the drapes but that almost made it worse. In the end, we toughed it out for a bit until Mr. Golden went behind a cloud and we were able to seeeee.

There aren’t a whole lot of series we enjoy watching together. I mean I don’t think he was interested in “The Crown” or “All Creatures Great and Small” but I happily watched those alone. I am currently watching “A Gentleman in Moscow” (which I think he would actually like). I loved the book and the series is fine. I am in the phase of “does this match up to the book?”. Not that it matters if it does or doesn’t (delete complicated thoughts here).

The weather deteriorated throughout the night and at four-something I woke up to visit the Water Closet and it was RAINING! My window was open and it was so beautiful to hear that sound I went blissfully back to sleep. By the time I woke up for the day, a nor’wester had also blown up and it kept up the entire day. It’s fine. It’s typical weather around here. I don’t usually actively miss my parents but I remember so many days being here at the moomincabin as a kid with my parents and brother and there would be a nor’wester and they would have the old wood stove going to beat the band. I would be reading or doing color by number or who knows what.

Thanks to our parents and grandparents for leaving this beautiful place to all of us in the next generations. Love you.

2 Responses to “Reflections”

  1. Margaret Says:

    My husband and I had very different tastes in TV; he loved old war movies especially with John Wayne and liked The Walking Dead. Not me! We did share a love of sci-fi (Star Trek) and certain films like Saving Private Ryan, Field of Dreams and Remember the Titans. John likes action-y stuff which I mostly don’t care for. I’ve never read “A Gentleman in Moscow” but I adored, “The Lincoln Highway.”

  2. Pam J. Says:

    Never heard of a nor’wester. Google tells me that it’s a term used in India but obviously Mr. Google doesn’t know that Lake Superiorites use it too. On the Atlantic coast we get nor’easters and they’re bears. Each winter a few roll through, wash out a lot of the beach in Delaware and on up the coast, and we (stupid? stubborn?) humans replace the sand using big ships that pump sand from offshore through long tunnels up to the beaches. Expensive, temporary fix but we humans require our beaches. I rant and rave about it BUT every summer we go, like lemmings, to that beach and enjoy the new sand. Guess I’m part of the problem!
    Ah, picking a TV series to watch with my SigOther! Tough, but we manage to find something now and then. Currently, we’re rewatching Breaking Bad. It’s way more violent than I’m used to, but the story is fantastic, the acting topnotch, and I can always cover my eyes for the worst of the occasional killings.
    I’m the one person who didn’t like A Gentleman From Moscow. Think I have to read it again because I trust everyone else’s opinion more than my own.
    The sound of rain in the middle of the night….lovely.