If you deep clean the moominbath, you are entitled to take the first shower

I am not the worst bathroom cleaner in the world but my older beach urchin is much better than me. She scrubbed the heck out of this little space today, even behind the terlet where it is perennially damp and therefore always a little scuzzy. I hate cleaning behind there soooo much that I avoid doing it. She did it with *many* paper towels. This surprised me a bit because my beach urchins, like most millennials (or whatever they are), do not like to waste disposable things. But sometimes a little waste is worth less gross-osity, especially if you are cleaning a 40-something year old bathroom with the original linoleum floor tiles, which are 60-something. But paper towels? Note to self… You are never too old to learn new tricks and sometimes you learn them from your children.

So we built this little seasonal cabin the summer I was six and this room was NOT a bathroom for many years. I’m trying to remember if my brother maybe slept in there in a crib at first but my memories are cloudy about that. We did have bunk beds in the room next to this (to the left of the pic). For many years, it was a storage room that we called the Little Room. We also used it to change in and out of bathing suits or pajamas. The moomincabin “walls” are all partitions with space at the top so you could climb on things and “peek” over the partition at the person changing🐽 Sibling shenanigans. I mainly remember the Little Room as being a very crowded little space with a lot of STUFF in it.

I was in my twenties when The Commander finally decided to convert the Little Room into an indoor bathroom. I am *thinking* that decision more or less coincided with her gaining a daughter-in-law (aka my brother’s wife, now widow) but I may be misremembering although I could probably look it up. The GG (who I was “with” but we weren’t married yet) would probably not have cared if there was indoor plumbing or not but I was ecstatic after all the years of using an outhouse and bathing in the lake at 0-skunk-30 before work*. Or bumming showers from neighbor-relatives.

A standard sized tub/shower would not fit in the space so The Comm did some research and decided that a recreational vehicle fixture would fit the bill. As she was shopping for one, most of the folks who sold them acted like she was crazy but eventually she found someone who would *listen* to what she needed and that is what we have to this day. I’m sure a lot of today’s fancy RVs have much more elaborate fixtures than this simple one but it has always worked for us and continues to do so.

*Mr. Drysdale, my boss at the Tempo discount department store when I arrived with wet hair once: Did you go in the lake this morning? 🤣

2 Responses to “If you deep clean the moominbath, you are entitled to take the first shower”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I understand completely about the paper towels when cleaning up cat “stuff.” It’s worth it not to have to get up close and personal. I love the shower and think the bathroom looks cute.

  2. Pam J. Says:

    “The moomincabin “walls” are all partitions with space at the top so you could climb on things and “peek” over the partition at the person changing.”
    This is interesting. I’ll have to mull that over today. Hmmm.