Bad orange man

Except he isn’t as orange as he used to be, judging by recent photos. He is still as bad as he used to be, judging by his recent rhetoric.

The Twinz of Terror landed on The Planet Ann Arbor late this afternoon after their chainsaw massacre in Asheville. The UU stopped long enough to have a wee snort before continuing on to his home in Gaylord, three or four hours north of here. There was a bit of political-economic discussion but they kept the tone down, thank you very much. They know I disagree with them and (they may even have an inkling that I might be right but not holding my breath)

I am still processing the election results so don’t have very much to say about anything right now. I abhor Trump but that predates his successful 2016 run. Maybe tomorrow morning’s zoom meeting with MMCB will help me focus a bit? We’ll see.

One Response to “Bad orange man”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I’m still processing too and doing some hibernating.