The Brain of Lincoln School?

I soooo hated that old moniker. The Brain of Lincoln School has a new bike! Yes I did! I needed one. A bike that fit my long legs, which had nothing to do with my brain. And my small town banker dad could afford to buy me a new bike if just barely.

I grew into my brain eventually, meaning I decided it was okay for a GIRL to be smart. For a while I tried to hide my natural intelligence. Eventually I learned to ROCK being smart. Except when I am not. Because we are all stoopid sometimes.

My brain hurt today. People wanted to go out to eat. I did too but… It is Friday night and we are on the Planet Ann Arbor and even though it is a football bye week, there is a basketball game and so it will be crowded EVERYWHERE and WE DO NOT HAVE A RESERVATION ANYWHERE. I did GooMaps and Artificial Intelligence (or whatever) told me it would be a half hour wait time for just about any restaurant anywhere. No thanks. Why do y’all think it would be fun to go out to a restaurant on a Friday night without a reservation?

In the end we did VOT (meaning we zoomed with our friends of porterization). We agreed to make a reservation at a restaurant for next Friday. Somebody else can pick which one. I don’t really frickin’ care at this point.

The pic is of me riding my big black tricycle. I was five? and that’s my little brother there. I don’t remember that basket. I HATED those rubber boots.

P.S. Lincoln School is out of frame to the right. I Red Queened over there to kindergarten every morning.

One Response to “The Brain of Lincoln School?”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I have a similar photo with my little brother. I’ll have to hunt it down. I was an unapologetic smart nerdy person who spent most of my childhood reading. Now I’m a nerdy adult who spends most of her time reading. 🙂