Freezing the garbage

With blahggy friend Pam’s admission that she freezes stinky garbage, I now know four people (including me) who freeze (or have frozen) garbage. There must be more. [Looking up past tense and past participle, etc. here. I had that stuff down cold in in GRADE SCHOOL. Sigh.]

I was a young-ish gal when Radical Betty was freezing her garbage. At the time, the moominbeach community took turns picking up everyone’s garbage to schlep it up to the dump. Radical did not want people to ride with her stinky garbage when it was their turn. She could not keep a can or cart or whatever outside because bears. And she owned a garage that could be locked but I will not describe why she couldn’t access it to put garbage in it. That is un-blahggable. I used “frozen” because Radical Betty has been dead since 2009. I so miss her.

My friend Greg? I can’t remember exactly why he freezes garbage but I think it was something about being a landlord and not wanting to stink out his tenants. I love Greg.

Me? Here at the Landfill, I almost never put out a garbage cart with more than one kitchen bag full of garbage. Unless there’s something like a holiday going on or we are dumping whatever was leftover from the moomincabin or wherever we have been.

It wasn’t always like that. Once upon a time, we were at Hoton Lake and the UU tried to foist some Hoton Lake garbage on me to take home. At that time, there were more people living at the Landfill and we didn’t always have room in the Landfill Garbage Cart for Hoton Lake garbage. Nevertheless, I think I did take the garbage home that time.

Later that night, I got an email from my then sister-in-law that my brother (who had health issues) was having trouble breathing. He was transported to the hospital that night. I drove up there the next morning and he died in my arms that afternoon.

That is a whole long story but I long ago decided that I would never argue about garbage with anyone ever again.

2 Responses to “Freezing the garbage”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I like the idea of freezing stinky garbage but would be afraid I would forget about it. Thus, having a freezer full of garbage and no room for my ice cream and other goodies. 🙂

  2. Pooh Says:

    Margaret, we freeze grease/oil, usually in a glass jar. Once, at the cabin, we didn’t have a glass jar, but we had just finished a carton of ice cream. Nothing will kill your anticipation faster than opening a carton of ice cream and finding chicken bones encased in frozen fat!