Doing the eternal garbage dance

When MMCB and I zoomed on Tuesday, we were all mostly out of words about the election but one question we tackled was “How did we get HERE?” MMCB2 suggested that our educational system is failing to teach children to do critical thinking. I don’t disagree with that but before I go any further…

MMCB have BOTH worked in the schools. One as a teacher, the other as an aide (she has a scientific degree).

We ALL have always been strong public school supporters and volunteers, holding important positions or just field trip chaperones, etc. I was (among many other volunteer jobs), parent teacher org treasurer for MULTIPLE schools and I was on the short list with a lot of people for treasury jobs. I think this was because I had an HONEST reputation to transparently provide information. I’m not bragging. Just that if I could hold down a volunteer position that involved spreadsheets instead of field trips or Room Mother (arrrgh), we’d all be happier. Not that I didn’t do those other things. I did I wasn’t very good at it.

MMCB2 served a term on the school board. It was long ago but she was recently pulled (a bit) out of retirement to work with an organization trying to replace some really awful current school board members with new ones. This effort was largely successful. Will the new school board rise to the occasion? We shall see. As MMCB2 well knows, it is a crap shoot.

I sort of agree that the schools are not effectively teaching students critical thinking skills although I know plenty of young people who ARE capable of that. What I jumped in with was “I think social media has a role to play.” Memes of misinformation, disinformation, and whatever. Who ever reads past the “headline”? Who digs into the details? Who is this person running for office and what is he/she actually about?

I’m kinda done so let’s do the garbage dance. Yesterday I cooked salmon. I put the wrappings in the garbage container in the Landfill Chitchen. It stinks to high heaven today, like I knew it would. Tomorrow is when I have to take out the garbage for the Friday pickup day. Can we last another day with the stinky garbage? Yes, I think we can. Man oh man, garbage and recycling never ends.

G’night, Garbage Woman

2 Responses to “Doing the eternal garbage dance”

  1. Margaret Says:

    If I cook fish (rarely) any wrappings or remnants of it go immediately into the garage garbage can. I can’t stand the smell! (although I do like fish) Hard to teach critical thinking skills when so many kids are constantly on their phones and getting sound bites that don’t encourage them to delve deeper. My older daughter and her husband are very stingy with screen time for their Littles, a decision I highly approve of. They’re always playing and when the weather is decent, they’re outside. However, it is much easier to park them in front of the TV or computer (or phone later) and some folks have to.

  2. Pam J. Says:

    Empty fish/meat trays in this house go straight into the freezer. Then every Thursday morning–trash pick-up day–I gather all of them up and take them out to the garbage can. Wish I’d thought of that years ago. My racoons and other garbage scavengers hate me.