Cooking Day

The last thing I did yesterday afternoon was have a catch-up meeting with my boss. In the course of the conversation, he asked if I was taking any time off this week. He approved my time-off request for this week and through the end of the year on Monday but I’m sure he didn’t pay attention to what I was asking for. That is a good thing. Not because I would try to cheat, Workday wouldn’t let me cheat if I tried. Just that he doesn’t micro-manage.

I told him Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday is a Cooking Day and Friday is a Meeeee Day. So today was a cooking day. Lemme see… Cranberry sauce (quick and dirty), make-ahead mashed potatoes, the decadent kind with cream cheese and sour cream, Chex mix (with FRESH sesame sticks, thank you very much), What I didn’t get done? Hollandaise, haricots verts with almonds (but these haricots don’t look like they need extensive trimming), dressing but the bread is torn up and drying out and that’s the hard part. And I cleaned up some VERY messy multi-color carrots that somebody else is going to cut up and cook. The GG will take care of the turkey.

I went to the Plum this morning before it got crazy (although I have NEVER had to wait long in any line at the Plum, even the day before t-day, and there was nobody at “my” U-scan today). Then I went out to a farm to pick up some fancy goat cheese spread I had ordered online. I hadn’t been able to figger out from their website what the “seasonal” choice was so I just ordered it, thinking there was only one and knowing I would like whatever it was since I have NEVER disliked any of their spreads. (I’ve been buying stuff from them at the farmers market for years. This is the first time I’ve been out to their farm market.)

Turns out there were TWO “seasonal” choices and they couldn’t figger out what I wanted so they kindly set aside both for me. I said I had been fumbling with the website a bit and that was embarrassing because that’s what I do for a living (I was laughing at *myself* when I said this). The gal whispered, “It isn’t a very good website” and then she intimated that she’d told me that because I mentioned my occupation. Oh dear. If I had been wearing my on-line banking user experience hat, I could’ve given her a critique of that website. But I was wearing my Ann Arbor moom hat and I TOTALLY understand that a small farm doesn’t have the cash to pay for a professionally designed website. Instead, I reassured her that it was all okay. And it wasn’t even all THAT bad. I was able to order and pay for my product with ease even if I wasn’t exactly sure what I was getting🤪

So what did I do? I whipped out my VISA card and said, “Y’know what, cranberry orange was my choice but I’ll also take the shallot herb!” Win win!

The pic: Nothing is wrong with Gertrude (knock on wood). Her ovens and glass windows are just getting a pre-Thanksgiving deep cleaning. The GG has his flaws (political🐽) but he rocks Suzy Homemaker. Today he vacuumed. Ignore all the clutter. Nothing to see here…

One Response to “Cooking Day”

  1. Margaret Says:

    The shallot herb would be my choice! I like your menu as long as there is also pie. 🙂
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family!
    I am not a website designer but some of them I’ve tried to use have been atrocious and unfriendly. Government ones in particular.