Let’s talk snow, why don’t we?
I am on The Planet Ann Arbor. We have gotten a few wimpy little snowstorms here this season. The last one was Wednesday overnight. It *maybe* dropped two inches but that was enough to cancel the local schools on Thursday. It was an amount of snow that wouldn’t have canceled school when the beach urchins were students and it DEFINITELY wouldn’t have canceled school when I was a child in Sault Ste. Siberia. If memory serves me, I remember something like THREE snow days growing up there. I’m sure there are many more now that there are a lot more school buses.
So, we didn’t have a lot of school buses back then. Those of us who lived in town (like meeee) walked to school or got driven (meeee occasionally but only in high school and only because my moom was a teacher there so she was going there anyway). But usually I preferred to walk. Even when it was 32 below zero (yes really) and I was wearing a mini-skirt and nylons (yes really). Why I never got frostbite, I do not know.
My high school served a large rural area and many kids got bused in. When the buses couldn’t navigate those roads, the “country” kids didn’t come to school. This was not probably a good thing for the “country” kids who didn’t have a whole lot of support at home but I am here to tell you that many of those kids have become very successful adults anyway. Some of them a lot more successful than I (a “snooty” town kid (not really)) have become🤣
The pic is from the GG. He’s in the yooperland but I am not sure which part of the North Country Trail this is.
December 13th, 2024 at 9:25 pm
I remember them chaining up the buses; now if they had to do that, they would cancel school. With good reason since it’s hilly and slippery around here. The times that buses almost slid off cliffs, went into ditches, or nearly ended up in the Puyallup River have made them much more cautious. Not to mention litigatious (sp) parents.