A non-sectarian country? Okay, let’s go…
That’s what the radio has been telling me off and on all day is the vision for Syria’s future. I know zilch about Syria except that a madman took over a decade or so ago and has been killing a lot of “his people” ever since. Madman is equivalent to dictator in my book. He’s in Russia now. Let’s hope he stays there.
I want a non-sectarian country too. Alas, I feel like we are heading *away* from our founding fathers’ vision. Flawed human beings that they were. I am at the top of the pyramid here. I am a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Ever hear of a WASP? That’s me. (Well, I am a woman, so there’s that.) I would substitute Celtic for Anglo Saxon and I went to a Protestant church but I haven’t believed in a “god” since I was about three.
The Central United Methodist church was not a bad place to go to Sunday School and early release Wednesday classes (that was actually fun, we got outta grade school early and walked downtown with friends). When I was 16 I asked my dad if I could quit Sunday School and he readily granted me permission. I had always suspected he was a non-believer and although we never discussed it, I think I am right about that. But whatever he thought about the Christian god and church, he was a small town banker who grew up going to that church and he voluntarily balanced its books every month sometimes having to call and “beg” the electric company etc. to give the church a little more time to pay its bill. I can still remember him clacking away at the typewriter.
I think that a non-sectarian country means that people are free to practice whatever religion they choose, including none, like me. With the Trumpian take-over of the GOP (this is NOT your parents’ GOP), I don’t think that’s where we are headed with the Trumpian party. I think the only religion he believes in is himself. My thoughts on that are a-swarm at the moment so I won’t go any further tonight.
I wish Syria luck on creating a non-sectarian country. We all need to live in non-sectarian countries. Alas, I am not optimistic. Especially since I see my own beautiful country drifting away from accepting people who practice all religions including none.
Sorry. I didn’t mean to get off on this tangent tonight.
Love, Kayak Woman
December 15th, 2024 at 2:50 pm
From The Beekeeper of Aleppo, I got the impression that the rebels were no better than the dictator so we shall see. As to our own country, I’ve lost hope in the vision I had of it. (and many of my fellow citizens)