Flashing through noro

Light-dark-light. Saturday. Bright sunshine and no clouds ALL DAY. Sunday. Heavy heavy rain ALL DAY. Monday (today). Bright sunshine and no clouds ALL DAY.

We took a drive to a rest area this afternoon. Specifically, the Monroe I75 SUV Speedway Michigan Welcome Center. Why did we drive to a rest area? To deliver North Country Trail flyers, of course. Why would you drive to a rest area? This kind of activity is relatively frequent for Michigan’s Designated Helper, aka the GG.

This involved going south and Mr. Golden Sun was so bright, I was wishing I had my sun hat because he is also low in the sky and there are no leaves on the trees so there was pretty much no escape from him. We took the back roads home, which involved driving west and north and that was much easier on the eyes since Mr. Golden was basically at our backs.

I took this photo of the Methodist Church in Deerfield, a little town in SE Michigan. The GG subsequently took a pic of a Catholic Church (balancing out our respective childhood religious persuasions) but I posted this one.

We continue to improve from noro but are still a bit fatigued and my digestive system is slowly restarting. TMI? I promise, nothing gross about this. I ran into my mouse this morning and she was fully KN95 masked for the [noro] duration. I did not mask for my grock trip but I was only in there for a few minutes and didn’t interact closely with anyone except her. I did not have to spend the entire day with people getting in my face asking me questions, etc. Her main reason for masking at this point is to protect *others* although knowing even the bitsy-est bit about how viruses work, we *think* we are probably not contagious at this point.

Major chore of the day was de-contaminating the bathroom. It needed it anyway and noro pushed me over the edge.

Tonight’s whitefish dish is in the oven. The recipe title (from a long ago Gourmet Magazine) includes the word “Pacific” and I know there are probably different kinds of whitefish everywhere but mine is good old Lake Superior whitefish, which is a very mild, totally NON-fishy fish. I topped it with capers, black olives (not Kalamata for this particular dish), scallions, and lemon zest, buzzed up in the Cuisinart and sauteed in white wine.

So lots of trivia on a boring kind of day.

Cheers, KW

P.S. I must be feeling a LOT better because writing this has got me thinking about cooking things with Kalamata olives🤣

One Response to “Flashing through noro”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I know so little about norovirus and think of it as a cruise illness. I’ve never known anyone who has had it! However, it’s going around like crazy according to the news. I like non-fishy fish although I also love salmon. The topping you made sounds delicious.