Private showing

I looked across the street and there was a big billow of smoke rolling along. What was it? Ohhhh! They’re lighting faaarworks over there. Putting two and two together in true Gladys Kravitz style… 1) There are little kids across the street tonight but the neighbors have exactly one adult daughter and she’s expecting their first grandchild soon. 2) There are no extra vee-hickles around so no big party or whatever. …I’m guessing that they are babysitting for the wife’s young charges (she’s a nanny) while their parents go out and party. Those children are in good hands this evening.

It was difficult to get a photo, so this is about the best I got. That pesky tree juuuust to the left is a culprit and for reasons I couldn’t articulate if I tried, I couldn’t navigate to a better view without going outside my house, which I didn’t want to do because it is once again raining cats and dogs or maybe I should call it “snaining” because it is laced with a bit of that white stuff.

We were scheduled to attend a party tonight too. A low-key dinner affair at Lizard Breath’s house that we’ve been doing the last few years and one I find myself looking forward to. Alas, noro put the kibosh on that. Oh, we’re basically over the disease but still a bit low in appetite and a bit fatigued, making it difficult for the hostess to feel like cooking a whole bunch of fancy stuff (she’s a really good cook). We’ll plan a party later on and maybe that shrimp ring that’s been in my freezer since about September (don’t ask, I can’t even remember the timeline myself) will finally get used.

This is okay. Like I said, we are *all* still coming around (I mean, we are FINE, don’t worry about us🐸). But also, given what Old Man Winter is doing now along with the overnight forecast, it is probably not the best night to be gallivanting around. Although I am skeptical that we’ll actually get the kind of freezing rain that makes it impossible to drive around town. If we get freezing rain at all.

Happy New Year to y’all! Love, KW

2 Responses to “Private showing”

  1. Pam J. Says:

    I heard a few fireworks at midnight but it was raining (snaining…I like that!) here too. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  2. Margaret Says:

    It was very loud here but quieted down fairly quickly after midnight. Whew. Glad you’re on the mend! As an adult I have very rarely gone out for NYE although we usually had people over. This year it was Younger Daughter and Anders for dinner and a few hours until the Wee One needed his bed.