Tigey and Little Tigey

Little Tigey (yes, I know it’s really a domestic cat) is a xmas gift. I am soooo hard to buy gifts for. I just don’t neeeeeed anything. This year I cobbled together a list of improvisational quilt books, some merino wool shirts and nightshirts (how did we exist before merino wool?), a doormat, and I fergit what else.

One morning I was over at the Plum and talking to my mouse and there was a cute “tigey” plastic grocery bag hanging in her department. I am not necessarily drawn to cats but this one spoke to me and I admired it. And I ALWAYS need re-usable bags because “people” are forever using My Stuff And not returning it! Anyway I was happy to be gifted this (I haven’t even used it yet) and I have named it “Little Tigey”.

It reminds me a bit of “Tigey”, my little brother’s childhood beach towel. Isn’t Tigey elegant in his mid-century modern style? Donald the Squirrel could serve him a cocktail. I admired my brother’s Tigey towel but I also liked my own childhood beach towel, which was striped in various hues of teal and green with some sorta adjacent colors thrown in. Alas, that towel was long ago torn up into rags. For a while I could still get my hands on one of the rags but not sure if it’s around any more. The Commander apparently couldn’t rip Tigey up and I CERTAINLY couldn’t so after she died, I made sure he was in a safe place at the moomincabin.

Those were the days when each of us had ONE beach towel and probably two bathing suits (in case one got “soiled” in some way and we’ll talk about peeing in the lake some other day). I am here to tell you that I owned no fewer than FIVE bikinis as a high school/college student and around that time our little family began acquiring new beach towels at what now seems an alarming rate. We can outfit at least 10 people with beach towels if we need to. But we usually don’t need to. The beach urchins have their faves and guests either bring their own or the weather is awful enough that no one needs beach towels.

I am rambling again today. I have been home alone and there was just enough snow on the roads this morning that I elected to stay home early (when I like to shop) and then not brave the grocery stores later when the Saturday crowds are there although I did do a couple quick and dirty errands to smaller stores. I will be out getting grocks for the week bright and early tomorrow!

2 Responses to “Tigey and Little Tigey”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I love cats and striped ones are my favorite. (sorry, Mari!) Not being much of a swimmer, I had one suit and now have two ancient ones that I rarely if ever wear. NOT bikinis!

  2. Pooh Says:

    We too had some towels of that vintage. Jackie had some too. At least one is now covering a “real” work of art to protect it from sun damage. The vintage towel may also have acquired some value in its dotage. (Hence the quote marks around real)