Snow, thaw, re-freeze

Man, it’s just starting and I am already sick of it. I have been spoiled the last number of years. First the GG retired and asked for a snowblower for xmas. A yooper-sized snowblower, kinda like the one my dad bought when he was 75 and finally sick of shoveling five feet of snow every other day. (That’s a “slight” exaggeration🤣)

Then, the last couple winters we had maybe 3-4 weather events for which the snow didn’t disappear PDQ. Last winter we had a Cement Storm and Thundersnow (or was that the year before) with 40-50 degree days in between storms. This year the temps are staying colder and the slippery stuff doesn’t get a chance to completely disappear before the next weather event arrives. More typical around here but I was getting used to the warmer, drier weather.

To top it all off, we had our driveway redone a few years ago. It NEEDED it! Big slabs of broken concrete were tipping in various directions, pushed up by a humongous tree. The top of that tree fell on The Landfill once. Don’t worry, we’ve had it inspected and trimmed a couple times since that. But the lovely new driveway is so flat and smooth that it seems to get slicker than the old one.

I also admit I didn’t do a bang-up job of cleaning up the snow and salting after Friday/Saturday/today’s small snowfall events. Oh well.

When the GG is outta town on the weekend, I often go out to lunch on Sunday with the older beach urchin. The younger one is always welcome to join us but she almost always works Sundays. Today we chose The Session Room as our destination and we both had grilled turkey on naan (with bacon and lots of veggie friends). And gossip. And book talk. And memories of her childhood and mine. The GG came home late this afternoon after a crappy snow drive down the I75 SUV Speedway from Hoton Lake. I had kind of not expected him until tomorrow but it’s all okay. Glad I wasn’t with him for that drive though. The Speedway is rarely a relaxing drive on a dry day let alone snow.

G’night, KW

One Response to “Snow, thaw, re-freeze”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I would not like that weather at all. We are spoiled by usually only having one or two winter events, and very temporary ones. I’m wondering if we’ll get ANY this year. I wouldn’t mind. 🙂