Kitchen fan or smoke alarm? U are on a call so U pick

I *know* better than this but I just put a chicken pot pie in the oven without a tray underneath it. It was frozen when I put it in but as it began to thaw, some wee bits of crust fell off and pretty soon I was smelling a few weeee wisps of smoke.

I rectified the situation PDQ by putting a big baking sheet underneath the pie to catch the drip and pulling the cord on the kitchen fan, which vents(?) stuff to the outside. The GG is on his monthly North Country Trail (NCT) call and I figgered the folks on the call would not want to listen to a smoke alarm. And they didn’t. Tonight’s call is a monthly call. He is frequently on other calls with other NCT chapters. I love to listen in and I try to keep my mouth shut. (Even when I can hear man-splainin’ going on, which a couple of folks seem to be doing tonight. But not the GG although he is capable of man-splainin’.)

The chicken pot pie is not the one I make with the biscuit crust. It has a regular pie crust and I bought it frozen from the Bay Mills/Brimley farmers market at the end of the summer. It was made by Karl of Karl’s Cuisine, a restaurant I went to many many times in Sault Ste. Siberia, pre-covid and pre-death. It was one of the restaurants in The Commander’s lunch circle’s rotation and when I mentioned that to Karl and his wife, they smiled. There were a lot of pods of little old ladies who lunched at Karl’s so I didn’t even try to connect myself to The Comm, Radical Betty, Barb, and Cam. But so many times, I would get up at 6:30 AM, launch to the yooperland from The Planet Ann Arbor, and meet my own little pod at Karl’s Cuisine for an early lunch. Karl and his wife understood and I’m sure they were happy that I didn’t try to describe who my mom’s pod was.

Karl’s chicken pot pie is to die for but Karl doesn’t have a store front so you have to hit up the farmers market when they are selling it there. You can’t just buy it at the grocery store.

Bad pic of last night’s fool moon. I don’t really understand how to use my iPhone for dark conditions and lights in the schoolyard (and our yard) did not help. But it was the first time we have seen a lit up celestial body in at least a week and given the fugly conditions all day yesterday, I did not think we would see the full moon. And I was freeeeezing so I didn’t spend a lot of time out there.

One Response to “Kitchen fan or smoke alarm? U are on a call so U pick”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I have trouble taking photos in the dark too although this iPhone 16 Pro camera seems incredible. I need to play around with it more. Pot pies are comfort food in the winter. I don’t know why–but that’s when I crave them!