
Today is the real No Politics Day and we *mostly* avoided that topic except when a surreal discussion about a married couple bickering about car radio vs. earbuds started to slip off the cliff🤪 I quickly donned my queenly crown and stopped that one.

The main activity of the day was joining mouse and the racc for lunch at Dexter’s Pub in, uh, Dexter. Our trip to Dexter was slow as molasses in, well, January because we were about the fourth vee-hickle behind someone going *very* slowly. That was actually okay because it was snowing to beat the band and I didn’t mind the slow speed. The GG said the snow on the roads was “grippy” and I agreed with him but you can’t always rely on “grippy” if you have to stop fast. Fortunately Dexter is only about a 10 mile drive.

I started my day by making a donation to the Little Traverse Conservancy, an organization that helped us save some family land from developers. That was a number of years ago and a very complicated situation and I’ll leave it for some other day. Or not. But a while back I started my own little tradition of sending them a sizable donation on No Politics Day. The GG additionally does frequent maintenance on the Jim Finlayson Trail (Jim was my brother) that the conservancy built on some of the land we used to own. This donation is my favorite thing to do on NPD. A gift to the LTC and a gift to meeeee.

We’re having shrimp tonight, just the two of us (not very romantic though because the GG will be on a North Country Trail zoom call). Tomorrow night will be a “celebratory” FinFam Steak Dinner for us and the beach urchins and their friends. What the heck? Last year covid scuttled our family No Politics Day “celebration” (sorta, it’s complicated). We eventually celebrated The Day After Groundhog Day instead.

Is that all there is? I guess so. The pic is a quick-and-crooked iPhone point-and-shoot out the front window after the sun went down. The iPhone did something to the light and just to keep things real, the pic features LOfPnet’s truck and our garbage/recycle carts.

One Response to “Orbiting”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Happy Birthday! It sounds like a good one where you did mostly what you wanted!