Post pandemic rodent control

This is not about the pandemic being over because it is not over (although I will concede that it isn’t killing/hospitalizing anywhere near as many as in the scary old days). It is about meeeee *finally* coming to the end of the pandemic food stash. But not the oregano. Not quiiite yet.

I did a post xmas/norovirus refrigimatator purge today. A real one where I took EVERYTHING outta the fridge, cleaned all the shelves, dumped a bunch of stuff, cleaned out all the “recyclable” containers, and put only what we are gonna use (I hope) back in. I cleaned out my main food pantry a couple weeks ago. The GG cleaned out his camping food stash after he found that rodents had gotten into it. Maybe don’t *keep* a camping stash or maybe don’t keep it in the Landfill Dungeon. And, hmmm, maybe the reason I haven’t seen rodent poop in the kitchen in a while is because they’ve been decadently gorging on food down in the dungeon 😵‍💫

This afternoon (in between fridge cleaning sessions) I seriously dug in to the improvisational quilt books I received for xmas (that I had asked for). I mostly asked for these because they are eye candy but I am also interested in the artists’ inspirations and process. I collected quilt books in an “earlier” life but at some point, I donated most of them to the AAUW annual book sale. When I dropped them off the women were saying, “These are GOOD BOOKS!” Yes. But at that moment, I was flinging and I am sure other folks are enjoying them (maybe some of the AAUW women). I’ve always been a bit “improvisational” with fiber arts but sometimes that’s a struggle so I’m hoping these books will help me along. Of course, I don’t currently have a good space to work on fiber arts. I need to usurp my mouse’s old room (we’ll keep the bed in there) and I will need help with that.

After cleaning out the fridge, I was planning what to cook this week. Chicken pot pie and pizza came to mind. They would both use up some stuff in the fridge and freezer. Then. As I was putting the leftover chicken pot pie from last week into the oven to warm up for tonight, my brain ran into my brain and I was like, “Wait! We aren’t even finished with the last chicken pot pie and I am planning it again. They are very different chicken pot pies but still, I think I will do Baggy Old American Mom Chicken Shawarma tomorrow.

The pic is one I took in Sault Ste. Siberia in January 2012. I was schlepping down the escarpment from Command Central (The Commander’s house where I was luxury camping) to the hoosegow early one morning (to visit The Commander for the day). I had two laptops and whatever else in my backpack and YakTrax on my boots. I was met by this sunrise view on Prospect Street. It is apped via a Hipstamatic filter, which popped the sunset colors just a wee bit (really) and added a border to the photo.

2 Responses to “Post pandemic rodent control”

  1. Pam J. Says:

    I hope those quilt books inspire you and that you blog about your project. I’ve gotten back to my quilting in the last couple of years and hope that 2025 is the year when I finally finish a bunch of 3/4 finished quilts. My quilting completion rate is lower than it should be — although I have finished more than 60 quilts in my life — because I have a problem with starting new ones before I finish in-progress quilts. Right now I’m just on the verge of starting a new quilt based on a book I stumbled across a few months ago — one block wonder quilts. AKA kaleidoscope quilting. Very hard to describe but I’m fascinated with the process and the experimentation it involves. Link to short video:

  2. Margaret Says:

    I’ve always wanted to be crafty, but alas, I am not. It’s not that I couldn’t learn how to do stuff, it’s that I have no interest. I like quilts though!