“Drinkin’ the Kool-Aid” (an incoherent screed)
“Drinkin’ the Kool-Aid” is what my former (beloved) boss, the LSCHP, used to say whenever someone talked him into actually adding, uh, project management, to our, uh, projects. That would last for a while… Until it didn’t… I don’t need no stinkin’ project management. Another nickname I had for the LSCHP was “The Benevolent Despot”. He could be a despot but the operative word here was BENEVOLENT. Trump is a wannabe despot but he is anything but benevolent.
I actually listened to the inauguration speech today. I think it’s the first one I’ve ever listened to. The 2017 inauguration did not happen on MLK Day (I didn’t fact-check that) and COVID hadn’t happened yet so I was in the office that day. What I will say about today’s inauguration speech quotes George Dubya’s assessment from 2017: “That was some weird shit.” (I’m sure GWB kept his mouth shut today.)
It was weird shit though. I think Trump missed his calling. He shouldda been a preacher-man. Of course, that might be a good description of many politicians. Except that he hasn’t always been a politician. Remember when he was a “business man” and a “reality TV show ‘star'”?. I’m off on a tangent I can’t control so just throwing that out there.
Anyway, I had MLK Day off today and I got to listen to the speech ALONE because my MAGAt housemate put a balaclava on and walked downtown. Earbuds in his ears and then watched the speech from a bar. I think he didn’t want to listen to me talk to the radio.
I didn’t talk to the radio though. I was calmer than I thought I would be. I mean, we’ve been through this whole bunch of BS before, right? I got perturbed when Trump started talking about God. How God saving him from death by assassination was a sign for him to return MAGA to the country. Sorry. If you know me, you know I don’t believe in God. Guess what? I don’t think Trump believes in God either. Except when he thinks believing in “God” can help him win an election. If you don’t believe in God/religion, you should be up front about it. Snake oil anyone?
To my MAGAt friends, what is it gonna take to get y’all to realize your beloved parents’ GOP party has been usurped by Trump, a person with no values and no regard for anyone else except 1) himself, 2) those who kowtow to him (and yes they do), and 3) those he *wants* to kowtow to him (and some of them – Elonia – do). “Praise the Lord” was one of many FaceBook posts I saw today. Posts from people I actually know in real life. Sorry but y’all are nutso.
Jeebus H. Mackinac Kee-reist (as my brother would have said)
P.S. Not sure what my brother would have thought about the Trump party.
January 20th, 2025 at 9:17 pm
I couldn’t listen or watch; I’m sunk in the depths of gloom and dissociation from this insanity.