
My dad built this fort for me in the back yard of our shabby little bungalow on Superior Street in Sault Ste. Siberia. I don’t remember it but I remember making many of my own snow forts throughout my childhood.

We don’t have a lot of snow here on The Planet Ann Arbor but last I looked it was 2 degrees and it’s going down below zero overnight. Likely it’ll be too cold to snow.

There is a lot of snow on the Gulf of America Mexico in Crazy Old Florida. I was somehow imagining Long Boat Key (near Bradenton/Sarasota) but the snow is along the panhandle coast. I’m dunno why/how that gulf is named “Mexico” but I’m sure there is a more complicated history than Trump knows about. Hopefully his proposed renaming is just BS like most of his crapola is. Color it brown and flush it down.

Facebook always throws a shit-ton of spam at me. Some of it could actually be interesting – National Geographic, National Parks, historical stuff. But. I didn’t ask for it, there’s waaaaay too much of it, and I don’t want it. And since I didn’t ask for it, who knows whether it’s being sent from a reliable source or some stupid bot. Too much though. I’d rather know what people are having for lunch.

Today I was getting spammed with pregnancy cartoons. Um, I think that train left the station a while ago so I shut that stuff down PDQ. Truth be told, I did think about having a third child for a while but ended up bagging it. And no, I wouldn’t have been “trying for a boy”. Ugh. I didn’t know what either of my girls would be before they were born although I had a strong hunch they were both girls. No ultrasound for the first. One for the second but I opted not to find out. Turned out they loved being girls and sisters and as adult women, they absolutely rock the world.

And despite what Trump decreed in his inaugural speech, gender/sex is not totally binary. I wonder if he’d have a different opinion if his favorite child(?) Ivanka had decided she was trans.

We won’t talk about today’s financial account password misadventures😵‍💫

The GG and I are watching Severance together. We’re watching the first season, since he hasn’t seen any of it and it’s been a few years for me. I didn’t think Severance would be his cuppa but he seems to like it. Now if I could just remember season 1 myself.

Over and out, KW

2 Responses to “Misc”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I watched some of the first season of Silo with John and couldn’t remember some of it either or I ended up thinking something had already happened. I even gave him a few spoilers! By the way, make sure you’re not following anyone you don’t want to on Facebook or Instagram. I was!

  2. Pooh Says:

    I was re-watching “unstoppable Kimmy Schmidt” on Monday, and I remembered the basic premise, but not most of the episodes. I think I may have been watching it with Dan when he was in LA. Anyhow, it’s been a long time.