
When the going gets tough, the tough go to the barrroooom!!!

Actually we are at Dexter’s Pub for dinner. Second time eating there in a couple weeks and I figgered out why they have a gyro on the menu. The owner’s last name is Greek. Who knew? (I tried the gyro last time I was there and it was great!)

We used to eat at this pub a lot. Sometimes when we were young and “pretty” we even drove out to sit at the bar for a beer/whine on a Saturday evening. A few times when we were sitting at the bar, a friendly guy with an uncanny resemblance to Robert Redford chatted us up. Do I think it was actually Robert Redford? No I do not. But it was fun to speculate a bit.

When my old coot was in the Henry Ford hoosegow and I was schlepping down to Detroit every day in the Honda Civic later known as Daisy, we would often head out to Dexter for dinner at the pub. It was a good place to unwind after those long boring/stressful days and driving out via the river route helped.

At the time covid hit we weren’t eating there frequently but occasionally sat at the bar for a beer/whine and chili on a weekend day. That was fun except we kept running into this one woman who was a weeee bit toooo friendly after what we think might have been about her third big beer. Not Robert Redford.

Whether covid is over or not, we have totally enjoyed our last two meals at the pub. Friday “specials” are “seafood” and I had the walleye (a mild white Great Lakes fish) and it was fantastic. And of course I took half of it home to have for lunch tomorrow. Not to mention the pub’s Manhattans rival Knight’s.

Hilarity of the night? One of our party thought the music playing was Snoopy and the Red Baron. It didn’t sound like The Royal Guardsmen to me and when we asked our waitress, we were told it was a Coldplay song. I did not remember The Royal Guardsmen at all (had to google). I certainly do remember the band Coldplay from driving teens and tweens around town in my crappy old Island Teal Chrysler minivan, The POC.

Babblety babblety g’night.

2 Responses to “Barrroooom”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Coldplay sounded like Snoopy and the Red Baron? Huh? 🙂 I enjoy sitting at the bar sometimes and have had great conversations there. It’s a more communal atmosphere than being at a table. Never had 3 beers at a bar (in the past 40 decades or so) but I would definitely be loopty loop if I did. LOL

  2. l4827 Says:

    Viva La Vida by Coldplay and Snoopy’s Christmas, similar? Maybe in a Barrroooom after a Marteeenee?