Solar orbital alignments
There are days during the year when Mr. Golden Sun does his thing aligned with various pieces of human-built infrastructure. That is if he is bothering to show his face.
I was thinking today (January 25) was the day Mr. Golden Sun would show his setting face through this Haisley School playground structure “bubble” at something like 5:25 PM. After I finally found the pic, it turned out it was actually the 23rd. Mr. Golden Sun would not have been in the bubble this afternoon.
This configuration is not as spectacular as when the sun shines through the Marquette, Michigan ore dock or the circular formation at the top of the Sault Ste. Siberia Ashmun Street bridge on an early spring morning. An April Easter I think but I couldn’t find that pic, at least not today.
What I am *hearing* here at the Landfill is little bits and pieces of bird song. I mean actual SONG, not just cheeping around. It’s only January fer kee-reist but I think some of the birdies are practicing a bit for mating season? In a few weeks I think we will start to hear more sustained songs even when it’s cold as blue blazes.
We mark the earth’s annual trip around Mr. Golden Sun by various holidays or whatever. Groundhog Day aka Candlemas is next. It’s a cross-quarter day, meaning it’s midway between a solstice and an equinox or vice versa, in this case the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Our family doesn’t celebrate Groundhog Day/Candlemas although if we did practice a religion, it might be closer to pagan traditions than the Christian religions some of us grew up with.
Last winter what we celebrated was The Day After Groundhog Day, given that our normal January birthday celebration got banjaxed by covid 🤣 and that was the first time we could all get together again. We celebrate whatever we can whenever we can because that’s what makes life fun.
January 25th, 2025 at 11:20 pm
We celebrate Ground Hog Day because it’s my younger daughter’s birthday. 🙂 That’s a cool shot.