Not newsworthy

Not the eagle, although the eagle isn’t really newsworthy either, just cool. I’ve stolen a pic my daughter took at a conference (or something like that) last week. This daughter worked the event. Her sister attended it🧡 They shared a room at the uber-cool Kellogg Center. I love the bathrooms there although they take a wee bit of planning as the showers share space with other bathroom fixtures and you need a strategy to keep your clothing dry. This is all Japanese style (I think). Sisters are wonderful and do NOT try this (eagle thing) at home!

The other not-newsworthy event is that my team scheduled an 8:00 AM meeting this morning! We are interfacing with an Israeli team (our company is huge and global) on a current project and that time worked well for both teams. I had to grab myself by the shoulders on about Saturday to make myself REMEMBER that I needed to be at a meeting at 8:00 AM on Monday. Oh, not that it’s any difficulty at all for me to make a meeting at that time, especially since I just log on from the Teal Couch. It’s just that I usually drift more to “banker’s hours”, logging on around nine. I was afraid I’d be hanging out drinking my wee spot of coffee and suddenly remember I was missing a meeting😵‍💫

When the LSCHP first hired me, he made it clear that prime meeting times were 10-noon and 2-4. 1 o’clock was dicey because “people” (mainly the LSCHP) usually went out to lunch and couldn’t necessarily return in time for a meeting. 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM were okay in a pinch. The LSCHP was laid off a long time ago (don’t worry, he landed on his feet!) Nevertheless, we still stick to those general rules for acceptable meeting times. A more recent management person who never knew the LSCHP once suggested a 7:00 AM meeting time. I’m glad it fell to another *manager* to talk him down off that ledge and not lowly little meeeee🤣

One Response to “Not newsworthy”

  1. Margaret Says:

    We had very early meeting times in education because it had to be before school started. (or after which was tough for coaches)

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