Breathing for 24 hours (or more) while grocery prices do not go down

I was deep into our main work “prodject” for our next release this afternoon when a text message came in. With this photo. Um, why did you send me that particular photo (which I have no clue about)? It was something he saw on Washington Street on some undisclosed date and why he chose to sent it to me TODAY, I do not know.

The GG is always attracted to weird things, especially small things like this. Although I notice a lot of things, I would probably walk right by that little display. Brain miles away.

The other kinds of stuff the GG notices are in various categories like mechanical gauges and stuff, utility stuff you might see on the street, etc. Like once when lizard was a young college student, we visited her for the day and while walking around in downtown Kzoo, the GG suddenly stopped dead in his tracks to inspect an arrangement of big pipes attached to a building. Water? Gas? I dunno. Liz and I kinda rolled our eyes at each other, like, yeah we know what he’s up to. Actually much ado about nothing. Just checking things out.

The GG is a computer scientist by education but he is an engineer by innate talent. He comes by that honestly because The Gumper (his dad) was a mechanical engineer. What can I say? The GG can fix or fashion just about anything. When we were young and the terlet overflowed (for example), I used to panic. Hey, that’s what my parents always did when I was a kid. After many years of living with the GG, I learned how to actually effectively use a plunger, not to mention how to flush a terlet with a big bucket of water. A handy addition to the terlet toolkit. When I would be at the moomincabin with my parents panicking about an overflow, I would grab the plunger and fix the problem PDQ. Of course occasionally there are worse problems that require a plumber but most overflows are simple to fix.

I am breathing for 24 hours (and hopefully many more hours than that) because. Yes, I am horrified about all of the Trumpola that went on today. But I’m not surprised. He threatened a lot of this crapola, now he’s throwing it out there. We’ll see how much of it sticks to the wall in the long run. In the short run, it is EXHAUSTING ME! I hope all y’all Trumpers WANTED this! Last I knew, grocery prices have not gone down.

Leftover chicken pot pie tonight and the last episode (I think) of Severance season 1. I’ve seen season 1 already so I’m re-watching it with the GG, who I didn’t expect to like Severance. But he does. Go figger.

One Response to “Breathing for 24 hours (or more) while grocery prices do not go down”

  1. Margaret Says:

    John isn’t an engineer but has that mind; he’s an excellent problem solver about most anything mechanical, electrical or plumbing. Also automotive and carpentry. My intelligence is of a much different type! I am horrified by everything that’s going on and can’t bear to pay much attention to it. I feel guilty about that.

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