Back in the U.S.S.R. You don’t know how lucky you are, boy.
I’ll spare y’all the details of flying the friendly skies. I don’t do it very often. I am a nervous flyer. I loved flying with Grandroobly (my dad). That old WWII
pirate pilot would always tell me what was going on in the Cessnas we used to rent for our little evening drives. I would be happier if all of today’s airline pirates pilots were more chatty. I can tell when we are beginning our descent. I loved back in the day when it was routine to tell everyone that. It’s okay. We had wonderful flights this trip. The last one was the best I’ve ever had, into Day-twa, of all places. Totally smooth all the way and, coming down out of the clouds, I could see the lights below. Our pirate pilot was hanging out repacking or whatever in the mid-section of the airplane (757 for you Boeing folks) as I disembarked and I made sure to thank him for that wonderful, last flight of our journey.
One of the things that we did *not* do in San Fran was shop. We ate out a *lot* and we bought some yarn at one of the yarn stores at the bottom of the hill and we bought a load of grokkeries at the rainbow store to make a dinner at Lizard’s house the last night. Other than that, my focus in San Fran was to walk all over hell and gone and I sure did that.
There were people who wanted to buy cigars. Go figure. We found a “smoke shop” the first morning we were there. Okay. Bongs and porno magazines. I am not a prude but I just wanted to get outta there. I am not sure if the GG ever found a good cigar shop. The one in the photo was down around the wharf/waterfront somewhere. We were on a streetcar heading to a bike rental place.
Shopping? Naw, What the heck, malls are everywhere. Sigh. G’night.
Kayak Woman.
October 13th, 2009 at 8:40 pm
Prudent spending isn’t always inexpensive.
October 13th, 2009 at 9:59 pm
Malls are very mainstream and SF is edgy. I haven’t seen a bong since college!! I enjoy flying but also wish I knew more about what was going on. On one flight we were on, we could listen to the pilots’ chatter with the towers; my husband (who is a nervous flier) listened the whole time from LA to Seattle.
October 14th, 2009 at 2:00 pm
I do wish there was a way on flights to know where you were flying over at any given time. It all looks so different from way up high! On our flight home from Chicago the pilot was actually really good about describing what was below us (but that’s a rarity).
I don’t like mall shopping, but I remember falling in love with Sausalito and it’s unique shops when we were in SF a few years ago.
October 14th, 2009 at 7:40 pm
Tonya – I usually bring my GPS on the plane. It is able to show me the exact location, speed and heading – as well as a detailed map with highways and state borders. We had one heck of a tail-wind combing back from CA – our ground speed was nearly 700 mph.