Lemme just light this ceegar before I hand out candy to the cute li’l trick-or-treaters
For whatever reason, Halloween is one of our favorite holidays around these parts. I could probably write enough blather to fill a book about Halloween. My experiences trick-or-treating alone (yes, alone) in the snow in the dark as a child in Sault Ste. Siberia. Our first Halloween in the Landfill, showing off our beautiful 8-day-old baby girl to all of the trick-or-treaters. All of the years our daughters went out trick-or-treating in costumes that I lovingly slaved over until I got too frazzled to make costumes any more and they made their own. The year Mouse had a tiger costume (that I made) and didn’t really like the tiger costume and didn’t quite understand the whole trick-or-treat thing but yelled “shoe on” at every house (it’s a long story). The year it snowed and I thought I heard one last late trick-or-treater at the door but it was my own child, tired and cold, coming home just ahead of her dad and little sister. Warm bath, anyone? Yes, this is Michigan, where we do have lots of water, if nothing else.
I could go on and on. Tonight, the GG trick-or-treated across the street with a glass in his hand. It’s a sorta slow year. But then, the “bus” kids haven’t been dropped off yet. Those who have come from even less fancy neighborhoods than my nice but not fancy one. I always buy a lot of candy. I give out multiple candy bars to our trick-or-treaters. But I still always have a lot left when the “bus” kids get dropped off. And I don’t mind handing it out. Here, take five or ten candy bars.
Okay, are you getting trick-or-treaters or not? And are you dressing up? What’s your costume?
October 31st, 2009 at 9:23 pm
BOO! Happy Halloween. We had no ghosts or goblins, but we heard one owl! Halloween treasure: http://bit.ly/1QtlYa
October 31st, 2009 at 9:27 pm
Just clicked on the wicked witch and saw more celebratory photos! Shoe on?
October 31st, 2009 at 10:19 pm
I love Halloween and miss those days of carving pumpkins and taking the kids around. ( I did whine when it was really cold out, but so what?) We’ve had a moderate number of trick or treaters so far and they’ve all been very polite; that could be because many of them came from our Mormon neighbors’ party. (right next door) 🙂
November 1st, 2009 at 1:06 am
We had about 10 – all of the kids on our block and a few others. Carl was dressed as Manny being Nanny. We were watching the World Series game 3, so it was easy to stay near the door between doorbells. We have a ghost that shakes and makes ooooo noises in response to a load noise (clap) or movement (wind). This was a big hit with the 2-4 year olds who could clap and make it shake and howl.
November 1st, 2009 at 2:18 pm
Not a single trick-or-treater. Which is typical here because it’s a very busy road with no sidewalks and we have a steep, scary driveway. At least we didn’t have to deal with weenie dogs barking their heads off.
November 2nd, 2009 at 9:02 pm
I took my grandaughter Christina aka “The Princess” trick or treating for her first time. It was freezing out AND SHE WAS SHAKING…. She couldn’t keep up with her cousins, so the big boys ran off. That’s expected… 5 & 6 year olds do not want to wait for a 1 year old. She went to about a dozen houses before mom & I said that was enough. She just got the hang of it. We say “trick or treat” she got that, when we say “thank you”, she put on a big smile and told them “you’re welcome” She learned quickly that she got more candy for being so cute. She did have to say hello to every little dog and other baby at every house. We had fun.