Good thing we’re not doing set construction tonight
We are home here on The Planet Ann Arbor. There was a so-called winter storm here that dumped a whole bunch of snow. Jane said 10 inches and that must be a bit of a shock for her after her recent two weeks on Bali. (With luck, she’ll let me post some photos on ababsurdo) Anyway, the sun came out at Houghton Lake and we took the Lansing route down and the low winter sun just about killed us but that made the roads okay but it got worse as we neared The Planet Ann Arbor and our dirty old green honda managed to slither down our street but there was NO WAY we could even think about driving it up the driveway until we had shoveled. So we did. We spent about 40 minutes shoveling the driveway and sidewalk. Marcia across the street had snowblown a path through everyone’s sidewalk and that gave us a great start! Thanks, Marcia!
Oh, yesterday’s litte mishap. 🙂 I didn’t skid off the road like it might’ve looked like. I just didn’t back out of the driveway/yard quite right and got stuck in a snowbank that a plow had left whenever. I dunno when. When we got there on Friday, I drove *into* the yard just fine. Yay for front wheel drive!
G’night and love y’all,
And see some of y’all next week
Kayak Ski Woman!