In case no one could guess, I was moom alone for the weekend while the GG visited our
baby elegant 23-year-old daughter out in California. Bay area. I dropped him off at Metro on Thursday morning. His flight left literally to the minute that mine did one year ago. February 28, 2007. I couldn’t go this year. I am working now (still blinking my eyes about that) and I don’t have any vacation time built up. You know the drill.
Was I sad? You bet. But it was okay. My trip last year was a dream trip. It was my first visit to California. I was one heck of a rubber-necking fudgie, digital camera at the ready everywhere we went. I loved every thing we did. There was the Point Reyes Pacific coast, which was so like my own beach on Gitchee Gumee, or maybe more like Twelve Mile Beach over there west of Grand Marais. It was still so much bigger. And it was dangerous with sharks and sneaker waves. And there were COWS! Actually, there are cows not too far away from Fin Family Moominbeach too. But there are swamps and forests between the farms and the beach. And walking the city of San Francisco, walking miles. The Wharf, Chinatown, the Mission, Golden Gate park. And just hanging out in Berkeley, Liz’s comfortable apartment, walking around, hanging out at Internet cafes watching west coast bums wake up and arrange their belongings for the day.
What did I do at home? Hmmmm… Worked. Cleaned. Did laundry. Shopped. Walked. Fell on ice. Mobilized a salt patrol. Shoveled snow. Called my own Moom (“where the hell’ve’ya been?” asked the Comm, after she’d turned down the boob tube enough to actually hear me). It was okay. I did what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. Nobody to answer to. Nobody hanging around doing the blasted taxes. But there were moments. The GG called late Saturday night to report that they had been on the Pacific Coast somewhere or other. I didn’t listen. I saw red. Sheesh, do I still have that many hormones? I guess so. When I got off the phone, I went outside and shoveled the heck out of the snow here and walked around the neighborhood. Crashed out easily that night. Then again, I was bored enough on Sunday morning that I took a river ride.
I dunno. To an extent, I like to travel with the GG. We kind of grew up together by traveling. I think *mostly* we get along the best when we’re on the road. But that’s by car. Houghton Lake and back, Siberia and back, whatever. I loved traveling to California by myself, dealing with the flights and finding the BART and entertaining myself *alone* when I was up three hours earlier than my daughter or walking around or hanging out in an Internet cafe while she worked. It was *my* vacation and I loved it.
You guys, this was just a ramble. In one week, Mouse will be home from Africa and I will have another baby elegant daughter to deal with right here at home.
Oh, by the way, there’s no liq-wire in that glass. It was water. Well before the yardarm.
March 3rd, 2008 at 9:19 pm
I sure was surprised to get an e-mail from Bill. It was a picture of my little boy- I mean a nice young man – named Steven. Bill snapped his picture in a restaurant in San Fran. Steven went to San Fran for the weekend. He was at a Google Convention or something. Small world. I envy you for having your own little vacation here at home. Aside from the snow shoveling, I hope you had a nice time. Kathy
March 3rd, 2008 at 9:28 pm
78 yesterday, just one short of the record. Mostly sunny & windy. Forest Park was a zoo. The animals had more room then the people. Now, 28 & freezing rain & 6 to 8 in the forecast. Spring you gotta love it. I saw my 1st robin.
March 4th, 2008 at 12:12 am
not sure i’m quite elegant… but thanks