Hey, where’s my jigger. I need my jigger.
I dunno. I think it’s obvious that NP Jane has found her jigger. You go girl is about all I have to say. It’s me who is having trouble finding my blasted jigger. I came home from work today. I put gas ($40?!!!) in the Dhoga on the way. When I got home, the Clbhcwtbfitb was already in the driveway. Say what? What are you doing home? I am happiest when I can chill when I get home from work. Not today. The GG was already home. And he was IN MY SPACE. The space where my laptop uually sits, at the right end of the kitchen counter. All kinds of tools and sensors were there too. And whatever. You have to know that the GG is a mad scientist. And he was USING MY JIGGER! Kee-reist! You want me to make you a ‘hattan and you are using my jigger? For what? Testing electrofragmathermoglobulators? G’night, Kayak Woman. Love you, Jane.
March 5th, 2008 at 9:00 pm
No electrofragmathermoglobulators on my counter yesterday, just the doohickies for recharging three kinds of batteries!
March 5th, 2008 at 9:00 pm
No electrofragmathermoglobulators on my counter yesterday, just the doohickies for recharging three kinds of batteries!
March 6th, 2008 at 6:19 am
“dhoga”? I thought it was “dogha”….