If I’m not home in a few hours, call the Coast Guard please!
Life was so bleak today that I entertained the idea of just not blahgging. I didn’t have one damn good thing to say. We are down to plans X, Y, and Z up in the Great White North and I had to hold my nose typing that because these are plans that I do not think will be good for ANYONE and I am totally pissed off about how things are working out, at least for the short term!!!! Of course, I am partly (largely?) to blame. But. Please will someone give me a wand with a phoenix feather at the core? I am *trying* to be as “zen” as I can about all this. Er, not that I actually have working knowledge of the concept of zen. But my life is not easy right now and I am not a very calm person from the getgo and I don’t think that is ALWAYS a bad thing. But it isn’t helping at the moment.
Anyway… I think a tornado has picked up my house and dumped me in Seattle. Except that I think it is raining a lot HARDER than it usually does in Seattle. I do not think we have had any bow echoes around here today and we have definitely not had any derechoes but we have had heavy rain and rumbly thunder literally all day. There are flood warnings up. Now, flood warnings do not mean the same thing on The Planet Ann Arbor as they do in other places where there are larger rivers. We’re talking wet basements and what “we” are apparently now calling “ponding” on the roads. I encountered a few of those “ponds” on the way home. They looked a little scary from the driver’s seat of the Ninja, my cute little 6-speed manual Honda Civic SI. How do performance taaarrrrs do in heavy rain, etc. It was okay and I made it.
Two unexpected little points of light in my day. 1) An old Haisley Mafia friend that I haven’t seen in a year or so and doesn’t know my current situation invited me (and the GG but he won’t be here) out to eat on Friday. YES YES YES YES!!!!! 2) I was using my iPhone to make a comment on Sam the Archaeologist’s blahg when I was interrupted by an incoming call. From Sam!!!! How bizarre. She and my webguy JCB aka her husband are traveling in Sicily at the moment and she skyped (or whatever) me! I needed that!
May 25th, 2011 at 6:26 pm
Not as rainy in Seattle (NORMALLY) as many people think, but it can get nasty. We have more gray days than we would like though. It’s drizzly today. Sorry that your day was so stressful; I’m having trouble handling things right now too. Feeling pretty overwhelmed.
May 26th, 2011 at 7:18 am
rain, rain GO AWAY! I found a small window of opportunity to dash to my car last night then drove home thru a downpour. the end of my block was more than ‘ponding’ and was a nearby intersection that the city really should look into. I’m pretty sure the sewers at that corner feed right into Allen Creek. or rather, Allen Creek feeds UP into the street at high water.
and as for your current situation — remember to breathe in and out on a regularl basis. just a little tip that I have found to work over the years. when I sometimes stop breathing.
May 26th, 2011 at 11:03 pm
Seattle Rain? Usually gray & drippy for months on end. But two Saturdays ago we had more rain in 1-1/2 days than we usually get during the entire month of May. And about 1/3 of that fell in the 2 hours that Carl & I were watching a soccer game – in the rain.