Go me!!!
Yaknow, for once, I can look back at the day and feel like I accomplished something! And it was even a Saturday. Do you have any idea how many Saturdays I have approached with high hopes for getting stuff done only to fall into a day of slodging around on them thar tubes — the ones that Al Gore invented. Today? I dragged the GG out early and we walked in the dark to get to the Planet Ann Arbor Farmer’s Market just after it opened. We got coffee at Roos Roast and a Danish at I fergit which booth but it’s the same one that has the apple fritters. We went inside to eat our pastries and I took this photoooo and a facebook friend thought I was inside a Mickey D’s playscape! That totally cracked me up!
I love squash stacks!
The GG considers some fancy blood orange bitters in the Sparrow Market @ Kerrytown but ultimately decides that the sun is not over the yardarm.
We got home before 9:00 AM and I morphed into tornado mode! Laundry and grokkeries and food prep and Rooooomba. A second trip to the Plum Market to get a few buckets of mums for the back yard (I couldn’t fit them in my backpack on the first trip so I had to snag the Ninja). I may not be much of a gardener but I am an expert at buying pots of flowers to set out.
Then, I draaaaagggged myself down into the Landfill Dungeon and I started flinging. I put a couple of big bags of junk in the trash and a bunch of broken up boxes and things in the recycle and more stuff into donation or eventual garbage garage sale containers. I didn’t make a big dent but I made a dent. And then… The next photooo is significant because I dragged three mynah bird cages plastic storage units out to the lawn extension, attached a FREEEEEEE sign to them aaaaannnnnnddddd…. Somebody picked them up!!! The GG happened to witness the pickup and he said the recipients seemed really happy. I’m happy too. Happy they took them and I’m happy they’re happy! So, this photo is of the spot where the mynah bird cages plastic storage units *were* (sneak shot of the Ninja in the driveway in case the Engineer is tuning in from whatever black hole he is hanging out in).
I am proud of myself but I am also superstitious enough to be knocking on wood big-time right now. This was one good day during which I was able to concentrate on some of my own little personal first-world problems and make a bit of progress solving them. Not every day is this good and I am counting my blessings.
I hope y’all (all five of you) had a good day too. If you didn’t, I hope tomorrow is better. Love you.
P.S. The GG also did a lot of work today. He worked in the yard. I was kind of feeling guilty about not helping with that but I forced myself to focus on de-hoarding the Landfill Dungeon.
October 1st, 2011 at 5:42 pm
You’ve gotten LOTS more done than I have today. I did clean the litter box(yuck), picked tomatoes, had lunch with my parents, brother and nephew and now am off for a run. Hard to do much house stuff since Patt is home, not feeling good. I don’t want to make a bunch of noise!!