Party Cube
Really, I knew that my job and my loverly dog-poopy cube would be waiting for me today. But I still felt nervous. I have been away for sooooo long. I know that there are plenty of other folks in the United Snakes of America whose employer might find a way to shove them out the door for being away doing what I’ve been doing for the last month, even though there is a law protecting those folks from that. Plus I have a work ethic that regularly bonks me over the head. I feel guilty when I am not working 40 hours a week. For whatever reason.
Sooooo, I was just a wee bit nervous this morning. As I walked toward the building, I remembered that while I was away, they had changed the keypad that lets me in the building. I knew my badge PIN was still supposed to work but were there special instructions? I couldn’t remember. What if I couldn’t get in? What would that mean? I swiped my badge and entered my PIN and… Whew! The door opened without a hitch. I walked through the lunchroom into the main area of our loverly cube farm and lo… What were those garlands hanging down from the ceiling?
Those garlands were hanging down in MY loverly dog-poopy cube! Here is what the rest of the cube looks like (and no, I did not cry):
And the loverly little beasties below are on loan! For just one day, as Cube Nayber was very specifically told. They were carefully chosen by their owner and they even make music! I’ll let you guess what kind of music [KW waggles eyebrows]. I’m thinking that Froggy and Green Guy may have to make a brief appearance in my cube while the party is still going on.
And yes, I do work in a cube farm. I will never forget the day I walked into that cube farm for my very first interview with the Long Suffering Cat Herding Person. It was culture shock. The last place I wanted to work was in a cube farm. But I soon learned that it is the PEOPLE who work in the cube farm that matter. I’m in with some of the best on earth. Thanks, you guys!
P. S. Yes, Green Guy is AWOL here on the Planet Ann Arbor. He and Froog rode down here in a laundry basket yesterday. Not sure if his owner knows that or not… [wink wink]
February 6th, 2012 at 7:10 pm
What a warm and awesome WELCOME BACK!! That’s great. I am proud of you for not crying. I would have been a mess.
February 6th, 2012 at 7:43 pm
Boy, THAT Green Guy is majorly AWOL if he’s from Ann Arbor. And that’s all.
February 7th, 2012 at 5:28 am
“How sweet it is to be loved by you” is the song that’s playing in my head now. You have great co-workers!
February 7th, 2012 at 2:12 pm
cubes allow you to make little comments to your co-workers at any time! one of my ‘jobs’ was to provide weather updates to my cube neighbors who couldn’t see out a window like I could. I called it my ‘window cube’. and it probably saved my sanity.
welcome home! glass of wine Thursday evening? I have an event in Ypsi from 5:30 – 7:00ish, but maybe I could swing by after that if you will be around?