Roly Poly
Yeah, I know. I gotta be gross once in a while in memory of my dear brother The Engineer who loved to send me photoooos of dead sturgeons on the moominbeach and other wondrous stuff. Click away if you need to and I’ll seeya in the next episode. I have to click away from other people’s blahgs sometimes. I won’t tell you what kind of stuff makes me click away >wink< Some of you may know. Please don’t tell. Telling will NOT get you any brownie points. Trust me.
The other day one of my BFFs aka Sam the Archaeologist (not dog) posted that her day was full of picky little chores and errands. None of these things taken individually made her feel like she was making any progress about “getting things done” and so she was struggling to feel as if she was being productive. I understood but I didn’t comment because at the time, ALL I COULD MANAGE TO DO WAS GO TO WORK IN THE MORNING, GO HOME IN THE AFTERNOON, COOK *SOMETHING* FOR DINNER, AND CRASH. Yes, I cooked. I enjoy eating in restaurants but not every day.
I had a day like Sam’s today. What the heck did I accomplish? Actually, when I tot it all up into the grand scheme of things, quite a bit. Walked down to the farmer’s market this morning, washed and changed sheets, did a secret errand that I’ll prob’ly blahg about at some later date, back down to the farmer’s market with the Mean Green Frog Hoppin’ Musheen to pick up some mums and asters, etc. Met Mouse for lunch at the Colonnade Panera, which is right across the street from REI and some people wanted to go to REI but not me but Whole Foods is right next to REI and I did have some grokkeries to get, so I went there and got some and then I went over to REI and wouldn’t you know, I was the only person who bought anything. A loverly ocean blue polartech hoodie. Home again and, since I couldn’t get everything I wanted at Whole Foods (go figger), a trip to the Plum Market ensued.
Okay, all of that stuff was procrastination. Some time in the middle of the afternoon, I forced myself to get down to business, which was to try to organize (again) all of the paperwork that surrounds the death of my mother and last surviving parent. The paperwork has multiplied in both volume and complexity over the summer and no, I do not know what I am doing half the time. My goal today was to sort it out (again). I am getting there. I started out this little adventure with a living nonagenarian mother and one cute little baby blue organizer thingy that zips shut. I now have two of those thingies plus a huge LL Bean canvas tote bag and I dunno how many binders. Although I really expected mom to live for at least a few more years, she died last winter. I am not that upset about it. Her quality of life deteriorated precipitously that last year and after a few episodes in the hospital she was pretty much done and I am moving on. But of course I am still processing. I do know that she would have wanted me to travel to Lopez Island last weekend for her beloved sister-in-law Radical Betty’s grandson’s wedding. And I did and I had the most wonderful time on earth.
Enough. I know those days when you are doing umpteen million little chores and how you feel like you are not getting anything done. Not. Those little things will have to get done eventually. Best to fit them in when you can and celebrate with whine or a ‘hattan or a ‘tini at the end. And don’t beat yourself up.
I am hoping that I have turned a corner this weekend with getting back into The Big Fling. Wish me luck!!!
Love y’all,
September 15th, 2012 at 7:41 pm
REI is a big deal around here and a gift card there is always a great choice for my younger daughter. The photo–ewww! So glad the wedding was such a spectacular time for you. I’m trying to get to your level of acceptance about your mom. My husband isn’t quite there yet, but it FEELS like he’s on his way. 🙁 Do you have to click away from my blog? I hope not.
September 15th, 2012 at 7:46 pm
The salmon tasted great! Patrick O’Neil showed up, chopped of these heads, cleaned out the guts, conditioned wood into charcoal on a grill, and cooked the salmon on planks of unidentified wood. It’s hard to beat fresh fish.
September 16th, 2012 at 9:52 am
The wood was alder. Since we were staying there, we were there early enough to get the scoop.