“Greetings from the north shore, vote for Obama”
Up here in the area surrounding the Houghton Lake Group Home, there are forests of yard signs at most of the major intersections around the lake. My own very informal yard sign survey finds that there are about a trazillion signs for local politicians, a smattering of United Snakes senators and reps, and *very* few Obama or Romney signs. I do not know what this means. No need for my Republican readers to get their undies in a bunch because I have no clue. I do remember being up here before one (or maybe both) of the Bush elections and seeing Bush Bush Bush *everywhere*. This area tends to be Republican. So, not sure what’s going on.
What I do think is a good thing is that there are so many signs for local politicians. I don’t have a clue as to what party any of these people belong to. I’m just glad that there are some folks who are actually paying attention to local politics because I think that’s where it all starts. I definitely support one presidential candidate over the other but what scares me the most is the “low information” voters, as we are calling them this cycle. Those who will vote *only* for president this coming Tuesday and not know anything about the lower-level candidates or ballot proposals or whatever. We have a full slate coming up on The Planet Ann Arbor and I am feeling a wee bit good about myself that I will actually go into the voting booth on Tuesday and be able to cast an informed vote for more than president. For a long time I *was* more or less a low-information voter. That was my error and I have been working hard to correct it but I have a long way to go… And some friends are probably not happy with m choice of candidates but I do have a choice.
Anyway, I was checking out the yard signs today. I have *no* idea what the yard signs were at Houghton Lake at the time of the 2008 election. I was consumed then by my then-new job and also carving out time to rocket up to the yooperland to hang out with UKW and Radical Betty during what turned out to be Radical Betty’s last year of life. We had a beautiful summer-like October weekend in the Great White North and we spent cocktail hour on a beautiful sunset moominbeach, while the C Fam folks enjoyed a weekend of boating all over the place at Houghton Lake.
And then there was this. Click if you dare.
Whatever your political persuasion, whether you agree with me or not (and I know that some of you do and some of you do not), please vote on Tuesday. I care who wins the election(s) but I love you all whether or not you vote like I do.
November 4th, 2012 at 12:19 am
I’ve voted and for the candidates I feel best represent not just my beliefs, but the needs of the rest of the country. Go Obama!!