Black Sunday? Cyber Sunday?

I hate to shop. Except when I don’t. I, who didn’t participate in Black Friday and even did a certain amount of looking down my nose at it, felt an urge to shop today. I mean besides the Plum Market, which I also patronized. Of all things, I had a hankering to go to the hardware store. I mean Ace Hardware, which is small and fun and in the neighborhood, relatively speaking. It is one of the few stores where neither the GG or I get bored for the duration and we did buy a few things but nothing exciting, for example, I replaced my old dead dish pan and bought a bottle washing brush.

I also spent a considerable amount of time shopping online today. Processing all of The Commander’s stuff has sent me down more than a few internet rabbit holes. Hmmm… I know they don’t make [this or that utensil or whatever] any more but maybe it’s on eBay… So, I was looking for one thing and I got close but no cigar but I found a treasure trove of something else. That is all I will say about that. I won’t be participating in Cyber Monday tomorrow (I have to work, duh) but I did both Black Friday and Cyber Monday today. And a whole bunch of other sorting, cleaning, flinging, whatever activities. Tink tink tink… Tink tink tink… Eventually I will get there.

Speaking of The Commander, the looooverly platter in the photoooo was the last gift The Commander gave me. Until about the last 10 (15?) years or so, The Comm would send xmas and birthday packages with an eclectic assortment of items in them. I always enjoyed opening those packages although, when she gave them up in favor of checks, I was okay with that too. Not that I needed her to send me money. Just that by that time, I was starting to look around and wonder where we had accumulated all of our stuff and maybe it was time to start flinging some things, yada yada.

Anyway, last year somewhere around this time, we made yet another emergency trip to the yooperland because The Commander had landed in the hoosegow. She almost didn’t make it that time but she ended up being okay and chomping at the bit to get out and oh, by the way, she needed a rocking chair over at Freighter View for when she got back over there. The GG, who was her fav-o-rite [and only] son-in-law (er, except for the Uncly Uncle ;-)) was all over it and found one at a local antique store.

Dogmomster and I went over there with the GG to look at the chair and, well, even though I am not generally a frequent shopper at antique stores, I saw this loooverly turkey platter there in the store. I wanted to buy it on the spot! But… I try not to be an impulse buyer. We didn’t buy the rocking chair or the platter that day but I bugged the GG to buy me that platter.

Last Christmas, we opened gifts with The Commander in her beautiful little apartment at Freighter View Assisted Living. I had some small things for The Comm and my girls and the GG. I don’t even remember what. We all cared more about being with The Comm than gifts last year. And then, the GG brought out this big box for me! What the heck could be in that? I thought maybe it was my old Drawing Board, the one I tap-danced on in front of the TV in our rather shabby living room over on Superior Street. Nope. It was none other than the turkey platter in the photo!

Apparently, The Comm had ordered him to buy that for me (from her) and so he did and I used it this year. Thank you moom. I love you and the turkey platter and I did find the Drawing Board [at the cabin]!

3 Responses to “Black Sunday? Cyber Sunday?”

  1. Paulette Says:

    We went to Ace Hardware yesterday for the Shop Locally promotion. I love the Ace Hardware in the Soo. The owners still work the floor and are so helpful. We bought another lantern for future blackouts 😉 and some other incidentals. What a nice story about the turkey platter! Miss the Commander a great deal.

  2. Jay Says:

    We went to Ace Hardware yesterday, for padlocks (storage facility) and a metal dustpan. I do enjoy shopping there, always have.

  3. Margaret Says:

    Love that platter!! I didn’t shop for Christmas at all yesterday.